
chorrinho a pupek Latinske Ameriky ~~ chorrinho and the bellybutton of Latin America

Sampa ma bezva kulturni centru, SESC. ve stredu tam byva v kavarnicce ve 14. patre ziva hudba, chorrinho, coz je hudba typicka pro Sao Paulo, je to predchudce samby, se kterou toho ma dost spolecneho. vydali jsme se tam s Karin a s Hugem, uz podruhe. trocha atmosfery snad pujde "odkoukat" z videa. SESC je primo na Avenida Paulista, ktera se da povazovat za "pupek" Brazilie, nebo primo Latinske Ameriky (financni centrum). prvni fotka: Maru a Karin a vez, na Av. Paulista, nafoceno pri navratu z centra. druha fotka: pohled z terasy kulturniho centra na Av. Paulista.
Sampa has a cool cultural centre, SESC. on wednesdays there is live music - Chorrinho - in a coffee place on the 14th floor. Chorrinho is typical for Sao Paulo, it is an antecedent of samba and has a lot in common with it. we went there with Karin and Hugo, for the second time already. hopefully you will be able to feel a bit of the atmosphere thanx to the video... :) SESC is on Av. Paulista, which can be considered "the bellybutton"of Brazil and of Latin America as well (financial centre). first picture: Maru and Karin and one of the towers on av. Paulista, picture taken on the way home. 2nd: a view of Av. Paulista from SESC terrace.


Liberdade aneb kousek Japonska v srdci Sampy ~~ Liberdade - a piece of Japan in the heart of Sampa

v nedeli jsme se po "narocne" green go party vypravili na Liberdade (metrem je to kousek od domu), coz je japonska ctvrt. kazdou nedeli je zde narvano, je tu totiz trh a taky plno jidla:) Japoncu do Brazilie emigrovalo hodne, pry proto, ze chybela pracovni sila. a taky mozna valka a tak. dari se jim asi dobre, protoze napriklad na moji univerzite tady, ktera je pekne draha a jen pro elitu, je hodne jejich potomku, coz se neda rict o potomcich cernych otroku... (nemame ani jednoho na cele univerzite). vsimnete si vlajek (za mnou na prvni fotce) / pul je brazilska a pul japonska. no a maru pozuje s pletenou kytickou do vlasu, kterou si tam koupila. druha fotka: Maru, Morad a jeho kamarad Ivo (oba holandsko) a Alejandra, sestra Vicky. treti fotka: born free pred katedralou Se.
on Sunday, after the "exhausting" green go party, we went to Liberdade (close to my place if you catch a subway). Liberdade is a Japanese quarter. every sunday it gets full, there is a market and loads of food stalls... there were many immigrants coming from Japan to Brazil, partially because of labour that was needed here and partially the war, maybe... their children and grandchildren and grandgrandchildren are doing well, for example, there is a lot of them at my university here (it's an expensive university, for elite only) but there is no one of african descendence... notice the flags (on the 1st picture). it's half brazilian and half japanese. i bought this beautiful flower there for my hair:) 2nd picture: Maru, Morad and Ivo (HOland) and Alexandra, Vicky's sister. 3rd picture: born free in front of the Se Cathedral.

můj nejmilejsi profesor ~~ my favourite professor

s profesorem Markem jsme mela predmet Moderni spolecnost (sociologie), bylo to super, hodiny me moc bavily a dost jsme se toho dovedela. cetli jsme zajimave texty (A. Giddens, napriklad, ktery pise zajimave o Globalizaci) a vubec, bylo to fajn. diky, Marco!:)
with my professor Marco i had a class called Modern Society (sociology), it was always interesting, we read many cool articles (eg. from A. Giddens who writes about Globalization) and i liked the class and my professor a lot. thank you, Marco! :)


goodbye green goes party!

V sobotu byla posledni spolecna uzasna GREEN GO party... vysvetlim... zde se vsem cizincum rika GRINGOS, coz je z vyrazu GREEN GO! (myslim, ze to ma koreny ve Vietnamu, kde nechteli americke vojaky (v zelenych uniformach), a jedine, co umeli anglicky, bylo GREEN GO,tj. "ZELENI, ZMIZTE ODSUD". ;)
Party byla moc vydarena, sesli jsme se tam zahranicni studenti ze dvou mistnich univerzit. Zacali jsme brzy, uz nekdy ve 22hodin, ja jsem "parila" asi do 4, ale byli i taci, co opousteli misto cinu az okolo 7 hodiny ranni. Bylo to fajn protoze jsme si vsichni mohli rict ahoj a jeste malou chvili pobyt spolu... ted uz odjezdy... mizime jeden po druhem...:( fotky: Alexandra (moc fajn, z Kolumbie) a Maru, druha fotka: Vicky, Alexandra, Cata a Maru.

On Saturday all the GREEN GOS that study here in Sampa had their last party... let me explain the term... here all foreigners are refered to as GRINGOS, which should have an origin in Vietnam where US soldiers (wearing green uniforms) were not wanted. the only thing that the locals knew to say in english was "GREEN GO"... :) The party was too cool, we started early, at 10 pm, i was there till 4 am, but some of us left around 7 am:) it was a nice opportunity to be together for the last time and to say bye because now a bit by bit we are leaving... pictures: Alexandra from Colombia and Maru. 2nd one: Vicky, Alexandra, Cata and Maru.


kafe a kvetiny ~~ coffee and flowers

ahoj moji mili! krasna kytice, co rikate? ja jsem nadsena:) jinak tento tyden ve znameni testu a zkousek, ale neni to zadna drsna hruza... ;)
Ado, takhle vypada to na kafe:) diky (vysvetleni: chci "tohle na kafe" ale nevim, jestli se to da v cesku koupit, tak jsem poprosila Adu, at to okoukne:)
my dear ones! do you like the flower? i love it!!! otherwise this week is exam week but no drama, hehe:)
Ada, this is what the coffee thing looks like... thank you! (explanation: "the coffee thing" is what i really wanna have but im not sure if i can get it back home so i asked Ada to find out...).


novy clanekkkkk ~~ a new post!

nazdarek, pod pranim tatovi najdete uplne novy clanek s plno bezva fotkama o parku Ibirapuera:) zdravi mala mila milovnice piva Maru (kterou na dane fotce doprovazi v piti piva Vicky;)

heyyy, under the article for my dad you can find a brand new post with cool pics from Ibirapuera park:) greetings from your little beer lover Maru (accompanied by Vicky on this picture;)


den otcu ~~ fathers' day

3. nedele v cervnu patri vsem bezva tatum, a ja chci prostrednictvim meho blogu pozdravit toho sveho a podekovat mu za vsechno, co pro me dela. velkou pusu, mam Te rada, M.
third sunday in June belongs to all cool dads in the world and i would like to greet my dad thru this blog of mine and thank him for everything he does for me. a big kiss, i love you, M.

Ibirapuera ze sedla chopperu ~~ Ibirapuera from a chopper's point of view

v sobotu bylo krasne, zamirili jsme do parku Ibirapuera, je to super misto, oaza uprostred betonu... velky park, stromy, jezirka... pohoda. s Hugem jsme si pujcili kola "choppery" (pripominaji motorky chopper) a projeli cely park... Hugo si zahral na selmu "chodici spici"... bylo to moc hezke odpoledne.

on saturday the day was so beautiful and so Hugo and i headed for park Ibirapuera. it's a real oasis in the middle of a concrete city... it's big and has trees and lakes... :) lovely. we rented cycles ("choppers" because they remind you of motorbikes "chopper") and rode thru the whole place:) Hugo climbed a big old tree to see what it's like to be a resting wild cat:)

Churrasco de formados

V patek jsme stravili prijemne odpoledne na Churrasco de Formados- opekani na vyklizenem parkovisti vedle skoly, kde formados - ti, co nyni konci studium - oslavovali zdarne ukonceni univerzity. Za 10 realu pivo co hrdlo raci a plno jidla:) prvni foto: Maru, Gawel (francie), Karin (holansko), Vicky a Oliver (kolumbie). Druha foto: Maru s Hugem:)

pak jsme jeste zhledli euro cup fotbal Francie - Holandsko (3.fotka); jak je videt z dalsi fotky, "prodala" jsem se tentokrat tymu holanska a "oranzove" fandila po boku Karin:) a vyplatilo se to, vyhrali jsme:) vecer pak byla ve skole CERVEJADA (pivo za 1 real) a potom jsme zamirili do Conexion Caribe, coz je bezva salsa klub:) pokracovani o mem skvelem vikendu brzy brzy zde na marublogu!!!!

on Friday we spent a lovely afternoon on Churrasco de formados: a barbecue where students who graduate celebrate the end of their studies. for 10 reais as much as food and beer as you wanted:) first picture: Maru, Gawel (FR), Karin (Holand), Vicky and Oliver (Colombia).

in the afternoon we watched a euro cup football match France - Holand (3rd picture); as you can see from the following pictures, i "sold" myself for one afternoon to Holand (see my orange top:) and cheered along with Karin. hehe it was worth it, we won:) in the evening we had CERVEJADA at the university, means party and beer for 1 real. after that we headed to Conexion Caribe, a salsa club... lovely! more about my cool weekend to be continued:)


uz je na case ~~ the time has come

uz je na case... vyhlasit komentatora poslednich mesicu... Danko, jsi nejlepsi! :)

the time has come... to announce the comentator of the last few monthns... Danko, ur simply the best! :)


poeticka Floripa ~~ Floripa of your dreams...

tak jen jeste par vzpominek na Floripu... nebyl to jen sen??

just a few memories from Floripa... im wondering... was it just a dream??


víkend ~~ weekend

ahojky, zdravim... je vikend, dnes jdu na capoeiru a dal se uvidi... vlozim par fotecek hned jak bude chvilka,,, zdravim!

hey, it's weekend... today i have a capoeira practice... and other activities... still dont know... when i have a while i vl post more pics.. greetings:)


Gioconda party - striptease, please!;)

v sobotu jsme se zucastnili fajn stylove party moji univerzity, byl to narez. na zacatku holky kluci rozdeleni, abychom si v klidu mohli vychutnat striptyz (nesli do naha, nesli...:( pak uz open bar, fajn hudba... vsichni se libali (oblibena kratochvile Brazilcu na podobnych party).. proste... radost az do rana, vcetne snidane ;) vratili jsme se domu neco po 7 hodine a spali a spali a spali.. celou nedeli:) foto: kamaradka Mariny, Marina/spolubydlici/, dalsi kamaradka Mariny, Karin z Holandska a Maru.
on Saturday we had Gioconda, a party of our university. it was real stylish, a big cool place. first girls and boys were divided to be able to enjoy striptease (no full monty, though:( and then open bar, cool music... everyone was kissing everyone (a popular activity during brazilian parties;)... well... fun which included even breakfast;) we got home at 7am and slept the whole Sunday... :) picture: Marina's friend, Marina, my appartment mate, another friend of hers, Karin from Holland and Maru.

nejlepsi ustrice na svete ~~ the most delicious oysters in the world

nejlepsi ustrice na svete maji ve Floripe... koupili jsme si je cerstve, kousek od plaze a pak uvarili a snedli se spoustou ryze a limetek a piva... neskutecna lahudka:)

the best oyesters ever are in Floripa... we bought them fresh on the beach and prepared at home and ate with loads of rice, limes and beer... incredibly delicious..:)