
more strasbourg...... vis strasburku............

A jeste par fotecek ze Strasburku... na jedne z nich zrovna vecerime specle, byly vyborne.
A few more pictures from Strasbourg. In one of them we are eating Spetzle, very tasty.. :)


Jednou mesicne se Evropsky parlament presouva na zasedani do Strasburk a administrativa nasleduje sve poslance... takto vypadal strasbursky tyden pro nas... po praci byla i legrace... jak je videt z fotek... skvele pivecko, Maru s Paulou v parlamentu, Maru s typickym pokrmem, "flamenkuchen", a holky na prochazce krasnym historickym mestem..:)
Once in a month the European Parliament has plenary sessions in Strasbourg and all the administrators follow the MEPs.... this is what the strasbourg week looked like for us... after work we had fun> lovely beer, Me and Paula in the parliament, Maru with typical meal, "flamenkuchen" and girls on a stroll thru the lovely historical city...


karaoke, baby!!!

Ve ctvrtek jsme zazarili na karaoke party zpevem pisne od Aerosmith I dont want to miss a thing. Slozeni hvezdne pechoty: Maru, Marta (Portugalsko), Sara, Vivian, Francesco a Giuliano (vsichni Italie).
On Thursday our all-star deam dazzled singing Aerosmith hit song "I dont want to miss a thing". The singing team: Maru, Marta (Portugal), Sara, Vivian, Francesco and Giuliano (all from Italy).


Belgie jak ma byt... Belgium the way it's supposed to be:)

Jeste par fotecek "typicka Belgie" z navstevy Hanky a Dana..
A couple more pictures of "typical Belgium" which we took during Hanka's and Dan's visit...


navsteva.... a visit.... Haninka & Danko

o velikonocnim vikendu za mnou byli Hanka s Danem... a byly to bezvadne velikonoce! videli jsme Brusel, dalsi den pak Brugy, Gent a more v OOstende... tady par fotecek...
Hanka with Dan visited me this weekend and that ment really nice Easter. we saw brussels, Gent, Bruggs, the sea in OOstende... here a couple of pictures...


it takes two to tango.... k tangu to chce dva:)

O tom, jak pravdive je anglicke prislovi "it takes two to tango"... "k tangu jsou potreba dva"... jsme se presvedcili v sobotu na Grand Place, kde byl v ramci festivalu tanga usporadan koncert a vystoupeni. Vydala se nas cela skupina, ktera se posleze zmensila a sla veceret Tapas, tedy spanelske jidlo. Rada byl jako kral jediny muz mezi nami:) S Annou jsme stihly jsme dat si suprove vafle a vyfotit se s nimi pred curajicim chlapeckem:)

We could see with our own eyes that the prover "it takes two to tango" is very much true. The concert and performence on Grand Place on Saturday was really cool. It was organised as a part of a Brussels Tango Festival. After the concert our big group became smaller and we went to spanish restaurant, with Rada as the only guy:), to have tapas. Anna and I even had time to eat some nice goffre (wafers?) and take a picture with it in front of the Pee Boy.:)

Alles Gute?

Minuly tyden jsme byli s Radou v Ceskem dome v Bruselu na kulturnim veceru se "sklepakem" Davidem Vavrou... Akce se vydarila, komorni rozhovor se vsem libil... Byly pousteni i ukazky z Alles Gute:) Tady par fotek...


Vikend:) Weekend:)

Krasny vikend, ode vseho trochu, ale nastesti "od pratel" hodne:) O vikendu bylo tango, tapas (spanelsky typ jidla) a byl taky vylet do historickeho mestecka v Ardenach, Durbuy. Tam jsme byli s Paulou (Spanelsko), Radou a Rostou, kolegou Radi, ktery je z CR. Byli jsme v super parku, kde maji sochy z keru a taky jsme si udelali vylet po rece... vice clanku jeste prijde! moc Vas zdravim!
I had a beautiful weekend, we had a bit of everything, tango, trips, tapas... With Paula (Spain), Rada and Rada's colleague Rosta (Czech) we visited Durbuy, an ancient town in Ardenne. We went to a cool park where bushes are cut like statues .. and went for a trip on the river... more to be coming soon... many many greetings from Brussels!