
posledni den s mamou a tatou v Salvadoru :: last day with my parents in Salvador

posledni den s rodici v salvadoru jsme stravili prohledkou majaku, ze 16. stoleti a malou prochazkou... hezky jsme si to uzili... nasim se dovolena libila...a ted uz jsem "vymenila" rodice za Metku... a dnes jsme se byly podivat v centru... zitra si to zamirime smerem stat Alagoas, Maceio... zdravime!
last day with parents we spent in salvador, we saw a light house from 16th century... we had a good time and my parents loved their vacation... now i have Metka here and today we saw the center and tomorrow we are going to the state of Alagoas, to Maceio.... greetings!!!


itacare... a pak salvador :)

posledni dny i Itacare jsme nemeli uplne krasne, ale cas jsme vyuzili ke kajakovani a k prochazkam... dnesni den prohlidka salvadoru... obrazky: rodice s Acai, coz je takova zmrzka nebo dren z ovoce z Amazonie. taky kostel a Maru se zbrusu novym pamatnikem pro Zumbi, ktery vedl v 17 stoleti otroky proti portugalskym kolonizatorum...
Last days in itacare, the weather wasnt too good... but we used our time to do kayaking and also to walk a bit... today we have seen salvador... pictures: parents with Acai, made of fruits from amazonia; a church; Maru with the monument that remembers Zumbi, who led a group of slaves agains portuguese colonizators in the 17th century....


dny v Itacare... days in Itacare

tri hezke fotky z Itacare... tata s kokosem, Maru s mamou v caipirinhovem baru Favela a maru s exotickym ovocem z kaktusu... mame se tu skvele! zdravim:) ps. nakonec jsme pouze snorchlovala... muj potapeci cas jeste musi uzrat...three nice pict from Itacare... dad with coconut, Maru with mom in caipirinha bar Favela and maru with exotic fruit from cactus... we are having a great time.... greetings... ps. i only did snorking, not scuba diving... i still need some time to grow into that... :)


Potopi se Maru??? - will Maru go underwater???

vcera jsme po celodenni ceste autem dorazili do Itacare, ktere asi 6 hodin pod Salvadorem. ja jsem tu uz podruhe, moc se mi tu libi.... takze jsem se chtela podelit o hezke misto i s rodici... dnesek jsme stravili planovanim co tu delat za aktivity a potom jsme se vydali na plaz Praininha (v prekladu> plazicka), ktera je uplne rajska... bohuzel jsme si museli na 40 min dlouhou cestu pronajmout pruvodce protoze mi nikdo nechtel prozradit, kudy se tam jde... vecer jsme si dali predkrm ve vyborne sushi restauraci a pote se vydali do restaurace arabske... takze nasi vyzkouseli nova jidla...mrknete na fota:) zdravime! a zitra se budou nasi potapet, ceka nas celodenni vylet.. tak uvidime, jestli se Maru taky hecne... nechte se prekvapit:)
Yesterday, after a one day long trip, we arrived to Itacare (6hours south from SAlvador); i have been here before and i love the place and i wanted to share it with my parents. today we spent planning and after we went to a beautiful beach Praininha ("a small beach")...unfortunately we had to hire a guide for the 40minute long track to the beach cause no one was willing to tell me how to go there... at night we had a snack in a japanese restaurant (really good sushi) and then had dinner in an arab restaurant... both meals were new to my parents:) and tomorrow mom and dad will go scuba diving... so lets see if MAru will join them... to be continued!!!


Chapada Diamantina

zdravime z narodniho parku Chapada Diamantina, z mestecka Lencois ve state Bahia. mestecko bylo puvodne zlatokopecke, nebo spis diamantokopecke, chcete-li:) je moc hezke, historicke. narodni park ma velikost Holandska. je to tu super, vcera jsme byli na ture s pruvodcem (nemaji tu nic znacene, takze skoro na vsechno potrebujete doprovod) na vodopadu, ktery ma 400 metru. dnes jsme byli jen sami na Morro do pai inacio, coz je takova hora se super vyhledy (foto ja a mama) no a pak jsme se byli za mestem vykoupat v nadhernych prirodnich koupalistatkach, co tvori reka... a pak dobra veca.. no jsme moc spokojeni... velkou pusu, zdravi Polasi
greetings from national park Chapada Diamantina, from the town of Lencois in Bahia. the town was a diamond mine; it is very pretty; national park is the size of Holand. it's really cool here, yesterday we went to a waterfall that has 400 meters, with a guide (no signalization here, you have to hire a guide); today we went just by ourselves to Morro do pai inacio, a small mountain with cool views and afterwards to natural pools that are created by river... so beautiful... :)


prvni pozdrav z Bahia a vse nej Tete Jarce -- first greeting from Bahia and happy birthday, auntie Jarco

ahojky, zdravim z Bahia:) jsem tu s nasima na dovolene... :) uzivame si. momentalne jsme v Imbassai, na sever od Salvadoru. fota: nasi s caipirinhou a ja s domacim cukrovim od babicky Bondi, diky mooooc. taky: vsechno NEJ tete JARCE K NAROZENINAM, mame Te moc radi!
heyyy greetings from BAhia. im here with my parents... we are enjoying.... right now we r in Imbassai, north from Salvador! pics: my parents with caipirinha and me with sweets from my grandma Bondi, home made! thank you! and: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUNTIE JARCA. we love you!


vodopady!! ~~ waterfalls!!

Myslim, ze vetsina techto fotek ani video nepotrebuji zadny rozsahly komentar.... Vodopady IGUACU jsou proste uzasne krasne... jeden den jsme stravili na brazilske strane, druhy na argentinke (ta se nam zdala vic narezova):) taky jsme se byli (v Argentine) kouknout na misto, kde vidite jak Brazilii, tak Paraguay (jako hranici maji velikou reku). a vsude bylo hrozne moc takovych malych chlupatych zviratek (viz foto Hugo se zviratkem). bezva vylet!!!

I guess that most of these pictures do not need any comments.... Iguacu waterfalls are simply beatiful... we spent one day on Brazilia side and other day in Argentina. (we liked argentinian side better:) also we went to a place (in Argentina) where you can see both Brazil and Paraguay (the border is a big river). also we have seen loads of these cute little animals (see picture of Hugo with animal;) a lovely trip!!!


MASP a taky: Maru is back;) aneb Maru je zpet!!

Maru je zpet doma v SP; vodopady byly narez!!! nez pripravim nejaky ten clanecek, tady je povidani o jednom bezva muzeu: MASP je muzeum umeni Sao Paula; taky je to misto setkani, je totiz vicemene uprostred av. Paulista, takze casto si tu lide davaji sraz "u muzea":) kazde utery je vstup zdarma, tak jsme tam uz parkrat zasli... jen tak na chvili... krome stale expozice maji i vystavy casove omezene, naposled treba Spanelske umelce vcetne Picassa. muj nejoblibenejsi obraz je od Candido Portinari, brazilskeho malire, ktery zil v letech 1903 - 1962. Namaloval ho v roce 1939 a pojmenoval "O Lavrador de cafe", neboli "farmar, ktery pestuje kavu". :) (kontext: na pocatku 20. stoleti prozil stat SP velky kavovy boom). jak se vam libi?
I just got back to SP;the waterfalls are something special!!! before i prepare an article on my trip, i will tell you something about a cool museum here in Sampa: MASP is a museum of art of SP; it's also a meeting point as it is places in the middle of av. Paulista:) on Thur it is for free and so already a couple of times we have entered. some exhibitions are there always, some are temporary; the last temporary one was of spanish artists,including Picasso. my favourite painting is from Candido Portinari, a brizilian artist who lived 1903 - 1962. He painted it in 1939 and named it "O lavrador de cafe" which means"a coffee farmer". (context: on the beginning of the 20th century, the state of SP went thru a big coffee boom). how do you like it?


maru jede do Argentiny ~~ Maru goes to Argentina

ahojky, dneska odjizdim do Foz do Iguacu, mrknout na vodopady a taky prejet na chvili do Argentiny, konci mi totiz vizum, tak musim vyjet z Brazilie (a vratit se jako turista). Hugo jede se mnou. navrat: asi v sobotu, teste se na fotecky:) pa pusu
heyyy, im leaving for Foz do Iguacu, to have a look at the beautiful waterfalls... and also to cross the border to Argentina. my visa expires so i have to leave Brazil and come back as a turist... Hugo is coming with me. we plan to be back in Sampa on Saturday. look forward to pictures!!! kisses!


po shlednuti brazilskeho filmu "estomago", tj. "bricho" nebo "zaludek", jehoz hlavni hrdina vetsinu casu vari, jsme se s Hugem rozhodli, ze to dokazeme taky a nechali se inspirovat k udelani typickeho brazilskeho jidla, PASTELu. o co jde? udelate testo (mouka, vejce, sul, olej, alkohol- nejlepe cachaca) a pote vyvalite na tenko, vyriznete obdelnik. no a pak si zvolite napln, napr. syr, tunak, maso; prelozite, uzavrete a chvilinku smazite v oleji. vysledek byl nad ocekavani dobry, proste uspech. chutnalo i Brazilcum:)
after watching a brazilian movie "estomago" (which means belly or stomache), whose main character spends most of his time cooking, Hugo and I decided that we can manage to do the same thing and we felt free to make PASTEL, a typical Brazilian dish. what is it? first you make dough (flour, salt, eggs, oil, alcohol -the best is cachaca) and after that you roll out a very thin piece (a rectangle). you fill it in with cheese, tuna, meet... and then fold it, close it and fry in hot oil... the result was beyond our expectations, even real Brazilians loved it!:)


Sushi a japonska emigrace ~~ Sushi and Japanese immigration

V sobotu jsme s Hugem zajili metrem na Liberdade, coz je japonska ctvrt tady v SP; koupili jsme si sushi (maji tam neskutecne obchody plne veci, co nevite, jak se ji: vsechno z Japonska nebo Asie..:). Pak jsme se vydali obohatit sve znalosti do Musea japonske imigrace. a co jsme se mimo jine dovedeli? Brazilie slavi 100 let japonske imigrace, prvni imigranti vstoupili na brazilskou pudu r. 1908; celkem jich prislo asi na 200 tisic; hlavnim duvodem byl rozmach pestovani kavy v Brazilii, bylo potreba delniku. a tak se proste dovazeli z Japonska (pracovity narod). tehdy trvala cesta lodi pres panamsky pruplav asi 45 dnu. Japonci pracovali na plantazich a hned jak neco nasetrili, kupovali si vlastni pudu, kde mohli pestovat kavu. svymi znalostmi a zvyky obohatili vyznamne kulturu Brazilie.
On Saturday Hugo and I went to Liberdade, the japanese quarter here in SP; we have bought sushi in a shop which is full of things that you "dont know how to eat" (all from Japan, Asia...) and after we headed for Museum of Japanese Immigration to broaden our knowledge a bit:) so what have we learned? Brazil celebrates 100 years of Japanese immigration; 1st immigrants stepped on the brazilian soil in 1908; in total, 200 thousand Japanese came to Brazil; the main reason was the boom of coffee production, labourers were needed and so they were "imported" from Japan (a nation known for its discipline and for being hard working); the trip took 45 days by a ship (thru panama); the Japanese worked on the coffee farms and as soon as they managed to save up, they were buying their own land. by bringing their knowledge and customs, they made brazilian culture richer.

navsteva Arnauda a Morgane ~~ Arnaud and Morgane in SP

S Morgan a Arnaudem, mymi francouzskymi kamarady, kteri ziji ve Spanelsku, jsme stravili sice jen 3 dny v SP, nez se vydali na dalsi cesty po Brazilii, ale bylo to fajn. od kamarada Karin jsme se naucili udelat typickou sladkost, BRIGADEIRO (foto c. 1 - Karin, Arnaud, Maru a Morgane), prosli jsme se po Pauliste (jedna z jejich sviticich anten na foto c. 2); vyjeli jsme do 35. patra 161 metru vysoke budovy BANESPA, odkud je vyhled na cele SP, ktere "nikde nekonci":) (foto c. 3, ta budova, co vypada jako Empire State Building; foto c. 4: vyhled); a taky jsme byli v centru na ulici 25 de Marco, kde koupite uplne cokoli a uplne za babku (foto c. 4) - je tam porad neskutecne narvano... a na krasne ovoce a bezva obed jsme si zasli do Mercado Municipal- coz je mestsky trh (foto c. 5). a jeste jsem zapomnela: mrkli jsme i na finale euro, Spanele porazili Nemce, takze jsme my "skorospanele" mohli oslavovat:)

My french friends Morgane and Arnaud (i know them from spain, where they live) spent only 3 days in Sampa before leaving for other parts of brazil. still it was some really nice 3 days. we have learned to make the typical sweet, Brigadeiro (picture nr. 1: with Karin, Arnaud, Maru and Morgane). we have strolled on av. Paulista (on picture nr.2: one of its beautiful antennas); we have been to 35th floor of 161 metres high BANESPA building to have a look at SP which "never ends" (picture nr. 3: the bulding is the one with a flag; it looks like empire state building; built in 1947; picture nr. 4: the view). we have been to the streed 25 de marco where you can buy anything and cheap and it's always full (picture nr. 5); and to rest, have so nice food and see all the different fruits, we went to Mercado Municipal, the city market (picture nr. 6). and not to forget: we have seen the eurocup finals and Spain won so we had some nice reason to celebrate! :)


monumento as bandeiras

blizko parku ibirapuera muzete najit MONUMENTO AS BANDEIRAS, coz je vzpominka na ty, kteri objevovali brazilii (17. a 18. stoleti); byly to vlastne tlupy dobrodruhu, ktere se vydavaly do vnitrozemi s cilem najit zlato a indiany /otroky. jejich cesty byly strastiplne. ale diky nim byla poznana brazilie. nosili s sebou vzdy vlajku (portugalsky: bandeira), proto se jim rikalo BANDEIRANTES: neco jako "vlajkonosi".

close to Ibirapuera park you can find MONUMENTO AS BANDEIRAS. it was built to remember adventurers who in the 17th and 18th centuries explored the interior of Brazil in search of gold and indian slaves. they always carried a flag, bandeira, that's why they were called "bandeirantes".


Francouzi ze Spanelska v SP ~~ my French friends from Spain in SP

od soboty do dneska tu byli na navsteve moji kamaradi Morgane a Arnaud, se kterymi jsme se seznamila v Alicante:) prochodili jsme SP a bylo to hrozne fajn. napisu vic!! foto: my tri na vezi Banespa budovy, 35 pater a vyhled na mesto.
from Saturday till today my French friends Morgane and Arnaud visited me here in SP. i met them in Alicante, Spain, while I was living there. they got to know the city a bit and it was so good to have them here! more about the visit to come! picture: the 3 of us at the tower of Banespa building; 35 floors and a cool view of SP...