blizko parku ibirapuera muzete najit MONUMENTO AS BANDEIRAS, coz je vzpominka na ty, kteri objevovali brazilii (17. a 18. stoleti); byly to vlastne tlupy dobrodruhu, ktere se vydavaly do vnitrozemi s cilem najit zlato a indiany /otroky. jejich cesty byly strastiplne. ale diky nim byla poznana brazilie. nosili s sebou vzdy vlajku (portugalsky: bandeira), proto se jim rikalo BANDEIRANTES: neco jako "vlajkonosi".
close to Ibirapuera park you can find MONUMENTO AS BANDEIRAS. it was built to remember adventurers who in the 17th and 18th centuries explored the interior of Brazil in search of gold and indian slaves. they always carried a flag, bandeira, that's why they were called "bandeirantes".
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