

tady je par fotecek z vikendu v Maastrichtu s Karin... bylo to super a jeste neco pridam:)
Here a couple of pictures from my weekend in Maastricht with Karin.... it was cool and I will add some more:)


narozeniny v Havane... Birthday in Havana

Tak takhle vypadala oslava mych narozenin v klubu Havana, kde jsme si nejdriv dali super veceri a pak si jeste lip zatancovali *** vino teklo proudem (aby ne, bylo zahrnuto v cene v neomezenem mnozstvi;) byla to skvela akce...

This is what my birthday party in Havana looked like on Saturday... firs a cool dinner then party and dancing... the wine was there in unlimited quantity and we just had a great time!



V pondeli 23.3. jsme se s Hugem stali tetou a strejdou male Emilie, dcerky od Hugova bratra Hectora. Na obrazku stastny tatinek a jeho novorozena princezna, ktere preju do zivota vsehno nejlepsi!

On 23rd of March Hugo and I became uncle and auntie of Emilia, a daughter of Hugo´s brother Hector. On the picture happy papa and his newborn princess. From my side, best wishes!!


gracias, mi amor....

Ruze od Huga... bez komentare...

Roses from Hugo... no comment needed...


narozeniny... birthday....

dnes mam narozeniny ... a tady je fotka te, ktera si na me pred 27 lety poradne "makla". diky moc, mami a velkou pusu...

today it's my birthday and here is a photo of a person thanks to whose hard work 27 years ago I can be here... thank you, mom,,, a big kiss


komunisticka minulost a co s ni... our communist past and what to do with it...

Konferenci tykajici se vyrovnani se s komunistickou minulosti nekterych clenskych zemi EU usporadala v Parlamentu pani poslankyne Hybaskova. Akce byla vydarena, velmi zajimava.
Mimo jine byla navrzena lepsi spoluprace mezi narodnimi ustavy, ktere se zabyvaji studiem totalitnich systemu.

Konference se zucastnil i muj kolega Robert, vystoupili na ni mimo jine pani Hybaskova, A. Vondra, mistopredseda vlady CR pro evropske zalezitosti, a p. Vidal-Quadras, viceprezident Evropskeho parlamentu.

Czech MEP Ms Hybaskova organized a Conference on Communism: 20 years after. One of the results is also a call for a cooperation among national institutions that study totalitarian systems and raising awareness about the crimes of communism. My colleague Robert from Slovakia and I really liked the event. Among others, Ms Hybaskova, Mr. A. Vondra (Czech Deputy Minister for European Affairs) and Mr. Vidal-Quadras (Vice-president of the European parliament) gave their speeches.


Budko budko, kdo v tobe prebyva?.... knock knock.. who is there??

Pracuju pro Generalni reditelstvi pro tlumoceni a konference. Soucasti me prace je podpora univerzitnich kurzu, ve kterych se studuje tlumoceni. Abych lepe poznala, o co jde, mela jsem moznost pripojit se ke skupine studentu tlumocnictvi, kterou jsme tu meli na navsteve. Dostala jsem se i do tlumocnicke budky s bezva holkama Veronikou a Petrou, ktere studuji tlumoceni z francouzstiny a anglictiny do cestiny. Zatimco ony si pod dohledem zkusene tlumocnice Evy zkousely, jake to je tlumocit zasedani politicke strany, ja mela cas udelat par fotecek....

I work for Directorate General for interpretations and conferences and one part of my job is support to universities which have interpretation courses. I had a chance to join a group of students who study to be interpreters and who were visiting European parliament. We also got to go to the booth from which interpreters work. Two of the students, Petra and Veronika, were actually trying to interpret the political meeting with guidance of Eva, an experienced interpreter. And I had time to make some pictures...


obrazy pana Ropse.... Mr. Rops paintings...

Teda... prislo mi, ze bylo pondeli a pak az patek, dny mezi tim tak nejak utekly, aniz by o sobe daly vedet... a tak az ted davam na blogisek fotky z minule nedele, kdy jsem se vydala za Radou do krasneho mesta Namur na kafe a do muzea mistniho pomerne slavneho rodaka Feliciena Ropse. Vystava je fakt super! Jako dukaz-> prvni foto obrazu, ktery se jmenuje "Na prodej". docela vystizny nazev, myslim;) Druhe foto: Maru s namurskou sochou:) hezky vikend vsem!!!
I did not even notice how the days passed by and it's weekend again!!! I did not even have time to tell you about my last Sunday when i went to Namur to have a coffee with Rada and to see paintings of Felicien Rops in local museum. I really enjoyed the exhibition of this local artist... as an example check out 1st picture of a painting called "for sale"... 2nd picture: Maru with a sculpture in Namur. have a great weekend!!!


a vitezem se stava.... and the winner is....

Je tu porad tolik co delat, ze jsem Vam uplne zapomnela rict, s kym jsem si hned prvni tyden pusobeni v parlamentu podala ruku;) Bylo verejnym tajemstvim, ze nas navstivi Hillary Clinton, ministrine zahranici USA. My zvedavi staziste jsem se sikovne "nasackovali" ke vchodu... a cekali a cekali... a pak se to stalo, Hillary vstoupila a jak uz to maji politici ve zvyku, vybirala si, komu podat ruku... a volba padla na... no jo, je to tak!!! ;)

Foto Hillary duchapritomne poridila kamaradka Sara:)


po praci legraci!!! // after work: FUN

Po praci se schazime v baru Pullman hned kousicek od Parlamentu, kde maji od 18 hodin "happy hour", to znamena pivo za polovicni cenu. Byva tam tak narvano, ze se stoji venku:) V patek jsme se tam sesli take, mrknete na prvni foto: kolegove Igor (Moldavsko), Francesco (Sicilie), Maru, Paula (Spanelsko) a Anna (Spanelsko/Nemecko). Po pivecku jsme se presunuli do centra Bruselu, zamirili jsme na veceri a dali si typicke jidlo: hranolky a hrnec musli (dalsi dve fota: Paula, Anna, musle). No a pote jsme zamilili do hospudky, ve ktere maji vsechny druhy piva, co najdete v Belgii /a ze jich je... :)/... takze budu postupne ochutnavat a psat recenze;) pusu Maru

After work all the young that work in European institutions meet at Bar Pullman, which is very close to the Parliament... "happy hour" starts at 6pm and you get a beer for half the price:) the place is so packed that most people just stand outside:) we met there this friday as well, check out the first picture: colleagues Igor (Moldova), Francesco (Italy), Maru, Paula (Spain) and Anna (Spain/Germany). After the beer we walked to the centre of Brussels to have a typical dinner, shells and french fries. (the other two pictures: Paula, Anna and Shells). And after that... we went to a pub where they have all the belgian beers!!! so i will test for you one after one... beer reviews to be comming soon...


prvni hlaseni // first news...

ahojky, tak uz jsem skoro 2 tydny v Bruselu, na stazi v Evropskem parlamentu. prvni tyden se o me staral Rada, bydlela jsem u nej v kouzelnem meste Namur, ted uz bydlim v Bruselu, asi 20 minut chuze od parlamentu, coz je pohoda. ... tak zatim par fotek:) Atomium, maru v noci s atomiem, Rada v mexicke restauraci na vece.

heyyy, i've been in brussels for about 2 weeks now. i am a trainee with the european parliament. first week Rada was taking care of me, i stayed at his place in Namur, a beautiful city. now im in brussels, my new appartmet is some 20 min walking from parliament... for now a couple of pics.... Atomium, maru and atomium at night, Rada in a mexican restaurant having a dinner.


zdravím z Bruselu a vsechno nejlepší!!!

tak... a Maru je opět fuč... tentokrát v hlavním městě Evropy:) a můj marublog slavnostně znovuotvírám přáním babicce vsechno nej nej nej k narozeninam!!!! velkou pusu, Maru

so... Maru is gone again... for the time being in the capital of Europe:) and this ceremounious reopening of marublog is thru my wishes of all the best to my grandma for her birthday! big kiss, Maru