Pracuju pro Generalni reditelstvi pro tlumoceni a konference. Soucasti me prace je podpora univerzitnich kurzu, ve kterych se studuje tlumoceni. Abych lepe poznala, o co jde, mela jsem moznost pripojit se ke skupine studentu tlumocnictvi, kterou jsme tu meli na navsteve. Dostala jsem se i do tlumocnicke budky s bezva holkama Veronikou a Petrou, ktere studuji tlumoceni z francouzstiny a anglictiny do cestiny. Zatimco ony si pod dohledem zkusene tlumocnice Evy zkousely, jake to je tlumocit zasedani politicke strany, ja mela cas udelat par fotecek....
I work for Directorate General for interpretations and conferences and one part of my job is support to universities which have interpretation courses. I had a chance to join a group of students who study to be interpreters and who were visiting European parliament. We also got to go to the booth from which interpreters work. Two of the students, Petra and Veronika, were actually trying to interpret the political meeting with guidance of Eva, an experienced interpreter. And I had time to make some pictures...
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