
zpet v SP ~~ back in SP

na chvili jsem zpet v SP, ale odjizdim na economiadas... takze jen par hezkych fotek z plaze... :) pusu a teste se na vypraveni... ja se taky tesim..

ps. hehe rozsirila jsem svou sbirku baywatch ;)

im back in SP for a while but im leaving for economiadas.. so just a few lovely beach pohotos... :) kisses and look forward to some more about bahia... xoxox
ps. heheh i have added some new pics into my baywatch collection ;)


pozdravy z Itacare ... greetings from Itacare

ahoj, jsem v raji... v Itacare... nadherne plaze, surf... moc zdravim! fotky budou.. :)

heeey, im in a paradise... in Itacare... beautiful beaches, surf.... greetings! kisses and i will place some pics soon... :)


pohled ze Salvadoru ~~ a postcard from Salvador da Bahia

vcera jsme doletely do Salvadoru, Bahia. jsme 4, Alca, Karin, Elizabeth a ja. ubytovaly jsme se v historicke ctvrti Pelourinho. dneska byl nas prvni den tady, vrhly jsme se do ulic mesta a prosly vsechny obchudky:) mezitim jsme stihly i nejakou tu pamatku... a navic mam capoeirove kalhoty, sexy top, nekolik koralku a ruznych dalsich blbosti ;) maji tu hezke kostely ale je to vsechno v rozkladu, Alca to popsala jako kombinaci Jihoafricke republiky (vsude mrize) a Kuby (palace v rozkladu). dneska vecer jdeme na ceremonii Candomble, coz je mistni nabozenstvi. pry to stoji za to! Fotky: Karin a Ja a pak jeste s Alcou pred mistni katedralou

yesterday we arrived in Salvador da Bahia. we are a group of 4, Alca, Karin, Elizabeth and i. we got a hostal in the historic part of town, Pelourinho. today was our first day here, we shopped like crazy and also had a bit of time to do some sightseeing. they have beautiful churches here but everything needs to be reconstructed... Alca described her feelings about the city as follows: a combination of South Africa (fences everywhere) and Cuba (huge villas and palaces that really could use some maintenance). today in the evening we are going to a ceremonial of Candomble, which is a religion typical for this part of Brazil. they say it's worth seeing. pictures: Karin and i and us in front of the local cathedral


jen rychle ~~ a quickie

ahojky, za malou chvili vychazim z domu na letiste, jeste s Alcou Mitterovou a s Karin z holandska. naskocime do letadla smer Salvador, Bahia. na dalsi vypraveni se tedy muzete tesit od tamtud. pusu

heyyy. in a bit Alca Mitterova, Karin (holand) and i are going to the airport to catch a flight to Salvador, Bahia. so next news from there:) kisses



Dukaz misto slibu: Tak takhle Maru pri parbach proklada caipirinhy vodou (viz. lahev v prave ruce). Zachyceno mistnimi papparazzi v sambovem baru Manugueira;) no vlastne se teda priznam... dala jsem sem tu fotku proto, protoze se mi hrozne libi, ale nechtela jsem, aby to bylo takove narcisovske tak jsem si k tomu primyslela to o te vode... ;) ale je to pravda!
A proof in stead of words: This is how Maru drinks water while partying and drinking caipirinha (see the bottle in my right hand). Maru caught by local papparazzi in samba bar Mangueira;) well... let me tell you the truth... i like this picture so much and wanted to post it here without giving the "im-in-love-with-myself"impression... so i made up this water story;) but... after all, it's true;)


ja tu porad jenom nejim!! ~~ i do not spend all my time here eating!!

ahojky! ze vsech stran slysim, ze tady v Brazilii nedelam nic jineho nez jim (dle zprav z blogu;) takze abych toto vyvratila, prikladam obrazek tricka, ktere bude mit kazdy clen BATERIA (bubnove skupiny) na ECONOMIADAS. co to je? 4 -denni sportovni klani (1. az 4. kvetna, tj. ihned po navratu z Bahia), kde je bateria hodne zamestnana, protoze hraje a povzbuzuje tymy moji univerzity FGV. no ale jsme v Brazilii, ze, takze mi uz predem bylo vysvetleno, ze sport je fajn zaminkou pro usporadani 4-denni party:) TAKZE: POKUD TED BUDOU NASLEDOVAT KOMENTARE, ZE TU JEN PARIM... TAK... MATE PRAVDU;) PAA

hey guys! there has been remarks from your side that all i do here according to this blog is eat;) so, to prove this wrong, i attach a picture of the t-shirt which will have all people from my BATERIA (drum band) for the event of ECONOMIADAS (sports event, 4 days, among universities of economics; the band is busy there, playing and cheering for our FGV teams); but dont forget that we r in Brazil and so basically i was told that sports are just an excuse to be able to have a 4-day party;) this event is scheduled for May 1st-4th, so we will go there just after coming back from Bahia. SOOO... IF YOU TELL ME NOW THAT ALL I DO HERE IS PARTY.... YOU ARE RIGHT;) kisses



dneska jsme si s Karin daly u me doma k obedu feijao, coz jsou cerny fazole. Brazilci to jedi skoro kazdy den, spolu s ryzi a masem, my jsme si udelaly omeletu:)

today Karin and I had feijao for lunch. it's basically black beans. Brazilians eat it almost every day with rice and meat (we had an egg omelette:)

divoky vikend ~~ wild wild weekend

o vikendu to byl docela narez, moc jsem toho nenaspala... v patek jsem se ucila (tento tyden: testy) a pak jsem byla v parku Ibirapuera s Vicky a Catou (z Kolumbie). vecer jsme pak vyrazili na operu Falstaff od Verdiho do teatro municipal. bylo to super, mela jsem listky zdarma od pana dirigenta Rodolfa Fischera, se kterym jsme se seznamili pri minule navsteve divadla. pak jsme vyrazili do ulic a nasli jsme bezva klub s zivou brazilskou muzikou a jeste zivejsimi brazilskymi mladiky a vratili se domu nekdy okolo 6 hod rano. pote v sobotu jsme mela zkousku s bubnovanim a pak me kamaradka Karin pozvala na show Holiday on Ice.
v nedeli trenink capoeiry, bezva. a pak jeste churrasco (opekani) u kamaradu Mariny, se kterou bydlim. no proste jsem se nestihla ucit takze to dohanim ted, 2 hodiny pred zkouskou, tim, ze pisu tenhle clanek;) no nic zatim pac a pusu a ingliš spíking pípl sorry ale preklad bude az odpoledne.
fota: maru a kafe, Maru a Sao Paulo (fotky z unora, z prohlidky mesta). pusu!
this weekend was very busy for me... did not sleep much.. on Friday i studied a lot and then went to the park Ibirapuera with Vicky and Cata (Colombia) and then in the evening to Teatro Municipal to view opera Falstaff from Verdi, conducted by Rodolfo Fischer, a conducter which we met last time when we were there and who gave us free tickets. so nice of him.
after that we found a nice club with live music (Pagode) and came back home aroun 6am... on Saturday we had a drum practice and after that Karin (Holand) invited me for a show "Holiday on Ice". on Sunday i went for capoeira and had a great time and after that i went for a barbecue with Marina (who i live with) and Precy (Canada). had no time to study and this week is a test week... uuuuh... what to do:( i will b ok :)


jak maru bubnovala ~~ maru the drummer

tak takhle to vypada, kdyz se Evropanka uci hrat na bubny... mrknete na video!! Bateria de Batucada (brazilske bubny, skupina) moji skoly se jmenuje TATU BOLA. muj buben se jmenuje caixa (cti kajša), pak jsou tam takove ty male bubinky (viz. foto) /to jsou tamburinas a ty velke tedka nevim jak se jmenuji. je to docela sranda:) ve skupine je se mnou i Vicky a taky Karin.
so... maru is learning to play a drum (have a look at the video). Bateria de Batucada (a brazilian drum band) of my university is called TATU BOLA. my drum is called CAIXA. we also have small drums, TAMBURINAS (see pictures). we also have big drums but i dont know the name now. it's fun. Vicky and Karin also joined the band:)


jak jsem potkala kolumbijskeho ex-prezidenta ~~ how i met colombian ex-president

Dnes byl na FGV Sao Paulo ex-prezident Kolumbie, pan Ernesto Samper. Byl prezidentem v r. 1994-98. Mluvil o Latinske Americe. Na fotce: pan Samper je ten pan uprostred, tmavy oblek. Taky muzete videt Olivera, Vicky, Sandru a Camilo (vsichni Kolumbie) a ta vysoka blondynka je Tamara (Svycarsko). dal Maru (mala tmavovlasa) a Allan (Brazilie; ten co drepi, ma satek kolem krku). bylo to docela zajimave.
Today the ex-president of Colombia, Mr. Ernesto Samper (president 1994 - 1998) came to FGV Sao Paulo to talk about Latin America. Picture: Ernesto Samper is the gentleman in the middle, in dark suit. Otherwise you can see Oliver, Vicky, Sandra, Camilo (all Colombia) and Tamara (the tall blond girl; Switzerland) and Maru (the short, dark haired girl;) and Allan (Brazil; the guy with the scarf). It was quite interesting.


sushi jen co se do nas veslo:) ~~ as much sushi as you can eat

nedele, hrozna chut na sushi... takze odpovedi bylo: sushi rodizio ("zaplat a pak jez, co se do tebe vejde):) pekne jsme si to pojidani sushi uzili... fotky: maru a TEMAKI (kornout naplneny ryzi a lososem). druhe foto: Precy (Kanada) a Marie Lise (Francie) s nasim sushi:)

sunday night, sushi cravings.... the only answer is: sushi rodizio (buffet):) we had a great time eating all this sushi... pictures: maruska and her TEMAKI (cone filled with rice and salmon, in this case). other picture: Precy (Canada) and Marie Lise (France) with our sushi:)


ahoj:) ~~ heeey:)

ahojky, ceka me docela fajn vikend, s Capoeirou a snad se uz uvidim i s Riki, kamaradkou z nemecka, u ktere jsem bydlela na zacatku. O clanek niz najdete fotky z vecere na Ilha Grande. pusu a hezky vikend vsem!

hi, im looking forward to a nice weekend, with capoeira and i also hope to see Riki, finally! she's my german friend, i stayed with her in the beginning. a bit lower you can find pictures from dinner on Ilha Grande. have a great weekend, kisses:)


vodní dýmka v Libanonu ~~ water pipe in Lebanon

at zije vodni dymka (tady ji rikaji "narguile")... uz v prvnich dnech pobytu jsem byla nasmerovana do fajn libanonske restaurace, kde maji vodni dymky a dobre jidlo... ale az vcera jsem se tam po odpoledni ve skole a zkousce bateria (bubnovani) doopravdy vypravila... s Vicky (Kolumbie) a Precy (Kanada) jsme si udelaly damsky vecer, daly jsme si vyborne ESFIRRAS, coz jsou takove malinke pizzy, pro jednu osobu (Maru zvladla hned dve, nejsem zadny Becko, ne:)

taky jsme si uzily vodni dymku s tabakem s prichuti jablka... sedely jsme na balkone a konverzovaly stridave portugalsky a anglicky o nesmrtelnosti brouka... proste bezva vecer!

a water pipe is a great thing!!! in the very beginning of my stay here in SP i was told about a cool Lebanese restaurant where they serve great food and have water pipes... but i was only yesterday that i went there (after practise with drum group) with Vicky (colombia) and Precy (canada). it was a ladies night only; we ate lovely ESFIRRAS (tiny pizzas for one person but Maru managed to eat 2, of course;)... we also smoked water pipe with apple tobacco and we were sitting on a porch talking, half in English, half in Portuguese, about things.... what a lovely evening!


narozeninova vecere na Ilha Grande ~~ birthday dinner Ilha Grande

Jeste par fotek z Ilha Grande, z moji vecere v restauraci na plazi "Lua e mar" ... "Luna a more"... poeticke:) na fotkach Elizabeth, Vicky, Karin, Ja

Some pictures from my birthday dinner on Ilha Grande... in restaurant on the beach, called "Lua e mar"... "moon and sea"... poetic:) on the pics: Elizabeth, Vicky, Karin, me

a narozeniny oslavi... Lenka a Lenka!!! ~~ and who are the birthday girls?? Lenka and Lenka!

drahé Lenusky, přeju Vám krásné narozeniny, moc na Vás myslím a mám Vás rááááda a tesím se na porádnou akci s fotkama a povídáním, az se vrátím... vidím to na prodlouzený víkend, jinak se to nestihá, protoze jsme skupina skvelých akcních zen... k povídání toho bude mnoho:) velkou pusu!
my dear Lenkas, happy birthday!! i think of you often and im looking forward to have a great time with you, lets organize a prolonged weekend with all the pictures and talking... nothing less will do, as we are a group of great active women!... there will be a lot to talk about:) big kisses!