A proof in stead of words: This is how Maru drinks water while partying and drinking caipirinha (see the bottle in my right hand). Maru caught by local papparazzi in samba bar Mangueira;) well... let me tell you the truth... i like this picture so much and wanted to post it here without giving the "im-in-love-with-myself"impression... so i made up this water story;) but... after all, it's true;)
no mamo, a f té drugé ruke čo si dala na gore máš určo zase bagetu -a sase žereš, a zme sas tam kdje zme bili. Takše mamnjenko nešer, pij fodu!!!
Danko laskavje se starej vo pytvanie kris a nech mamky stravovacy rezym na pokoju jo.
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