posledni den s rodici v salvadoru jsme stravili prohledkou majaku, ze 16. stoleti a malou prochazkou... hezky jsme si to uzili... nasim se dovolena libila...a ted uz jsem "vymenila" rodice za Metku... a dnes jsme se byly podivat v centru... zitra si to zamirime smerem stat Alagoas, Maceio... zdravime!
last day with parents we spent in salvador, we saw a light house from 16th century... we had a good time and my parents loved their vacation... now i have Metka here and today we saw the center and tomorrow we are going to the state of Alagoas, to Maceio.... greetings!!!
adoro vc tanto como um um tcheco adora a cerveja haha
beijos bebe
adoro vc tanto como um mexicano adora pimenta (porque e picante loooogico haha) bjs
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