Park Chipinque, aneb divočina přímo nad městem.... Chipinque, that is wildness just above the city...
Pictures from Chipinque park, which is basically above Monterrey...
Leze leze až tam vleze
V minulém článečku jsem nastínila, že jsme ze soboty na pondělí (mimochodem 16. listopadu tu bylo 99. výročí mexické revoluce) jsme byli v horách, jmenovitě v Potrero Chico. Byl to super relax, byli jsme jen s Hugem a s dalším kamarádem, vše dokumentují fotky. Vylezla jsem dvě cesty, obtížnost 8 až 9, na stupnici do 15.
Křtiny:) Baptism...
In Mexico people do not plan so much and so on Friday we were told that Emilia would be baptised on Sunday. At 10 am there was a mass and it was much more lively than the few masses I have been to in Czechia. It might be because of the fact that Mexicans talk much more during the mass and also the songs are rather happy ones, for example Blowing in the Wind from Bob Dylan in Spanish... Then the baptism itself started and you can see in the second picture how pretty Emilia, her mom and her god-mother looked. In the first picture you can see how pretty Hugo and I looked and the third picture was taken in the historical centre of Monterrey where we went for an handicraft market. I am posing in front of a house that I find very beautiful. And what comes next? Maru lost her fear of heights, it seems... But about that you can read in my upcoming article... I hope that you are doing very well and I am sending many greetings from Monterrey.
akupunktura až do domu
Jak řešit nemoci? Tady to máme snadné, Hugův bratr Hector je doktor a věnuje se akupunktuře, takže když někomu něco je - horečka, nevolnost, bolest hlavy, zad, únava... prostě na co vzpomenete - použije tuhle tisíce let starou metodu, která opravdu funguje. Naposledy včera na mou bolest hlavy. Na fotce Hugo s jehlami, a při léčbě "asistovala" i Emilia:)

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