Itaunas... pozdrav z krasne vesnicky najdete o par clanku niz, takze ted vypichnu dve tri super akce, ktere jsme tam s Elizabeth (kamaradka z USA) podnikly. Akce c. 1: VYLET NA KONICH. ... neco jako: ... cele odpoledne jedete na docela hodnem konikovi po brehu more... nad vami litaji orli (nejaky divoky velky ptaci;) ..... more sumi, konik vrni (to jen tak rymecek, kone spis frkaji, hlavne kdyz jim jejich jezdec pripomina pytel brambor; muj kun nemohl verit svym zadum a kazdou chvili se na me obracel s vycitavym pohledem, a to i pres to, ze jsem se snazila nadskakovat v souladu s nim...;)

VECERE: nas domaci v Itaunas (krasny penzionek s uzasnou zahradou, kde jsme dosta casu stravily relaxaci v houpacich sitich) nam doporucil vecu v mistni restauraci a mel pravdu, olizovaly jsme se jeste pekne dlouho pote. nase menu: krevety s omackou v dyni a k tomu ryze a salat a hodne piva. MNAAM
No a pak samozrejme "radost az do rana" pri tanci forro (cti: foho) s mistnimi krasavci ... ;) Tak takhle to vypada, kdyz clovek vyrazi na dovcu a ma stesti. uz ted planuju, kdy co nejdriv vypadnout ze SP....
Vacations in Itaunas were too cool and it was not easy to get used to being in SP again... but a couple of drinks did not fail to help and today only i had a chance to forget listening to berimbau and practicing capoeria but about that i will tell you later...
you can find a "postcard" from Itaunas a few articles below so this time i will only tell you about a couple of interesting things which we experienced with Elizabeth, a friend from USA. first of all, a HORSE TRIP... imagine... the whole afternoon you spend riding a horse along the sea side, above you you have eagles flying... the sea makes such wonderful peaceful sounds... your horse makes less peaceful sounds... cause he cant believe that someone could be so clumsy.. ;) (SEE PICTURE N.1)
after some 11 km we came to a small river which divides the states Espirito Santo and Bahia, which is famous for its beaches and music. the welcoming sign says SORRIA VOCE ESTA NA BAHIA (smile, you're in Bahia) and we agreed that this state will deserve a longer visit some time later on... (2nd PICTURE)
DINNER: our house lord (we stayed at a beautiful place with a lovely garden and hammocks, where we could relax... it was too comfy...) recommended a place to eat something typical and we loved it, we had very tasty shrimps in this creamy sauce in a pumpkin and rice and salad and a lot of beer. tastyyyyyyy. (3rd PICTURE)
also i shouldnt forget ... dancing forro with the local cuties "all nights long" :) so this is what it looks like if you go for vacation and are lucky. i am already thinking where to go next to get out of SP...:)
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