po capoeire: s kolumbijskymi prateli jsme se vydali na rodizio pizzy, tj. zaplatite urcitou castku a muzete snist tolik pizzy, co se do vas vejde. do nas se veslo docela dost:)
NEDELE byla ve znameni prace na PC prokladane chatovanim/volanim s mamou, Tesou, Adou, Filipem, babi, Prahou, Hankou... a ted k veceru jsem si byla zachodit tady dole v baraku na masine... cely den stejne prselo, a tohle je takova snadna cesta k pohybu. pusu Maru
ps. foto 1: Maru hraje capoeiru. Maru je ta rozmazana cerna:)
foto 2: kamos z Ekvadoru, Jair, Maru, Oliver
My weekend: SATURDAY: capoeira. with Oliver from Colombia we went to our 2nd practice with Group Candeias, which is led by professor Jair. it was really cool, i learn to jogar capoeira and also to drum. the professor is really good and all the people in the group are very nice, we like to practice with them.
after capoeira: with my colombian friends we went to pizza rodizio, which means you pay a certain amount of money and you can eat as much as you can eat:) we have eaten quite a lot:)
SUNDAY: i spend by working and chatting and talking to my mom and Tesa and Ada and Hanka and Filip and grandma and auntie... it's been raining the whole day so now in the evening i only went downstairs the this work-out machine to walk for some 30 min.. easy fast way to move my but a bit. kisses Maru
ps. picture 1: Maru and capoeira. Maru is the black smudged one:)
picture 2: a friend from Ecuador, Jair, Maru, Oliver
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