Cesta do Angra dos Reis, odkud se pak jede lodi na Ilha Grande, trva asi 7 hodin (cestu jsme vzdy absolvovali v noci). Lodi je to pak jeste 90 minut. A pak to zacne... ZADNA auta, nej krasne plaze a priroda a vylety...
byla jsem ve spolecnosti Vicky (Kolumbie), Elizabeth (USA, ted studuje ve state Minas Gerais ve meste Belo Horizonte), Karin (Holandsko) a Sebastiana (Francie). Tvorili jsme super tym a vsechno nam klapalo. Podarilo se mi dopredu zabookovat jen 3 mista v hostelu (jelikoz byly Velikonoce a cela Brazilie mela volno, tak to bylo trochu komplikovane a ostrov byl plny, ale stejne to bylo super). Ovsem po prijezdu nam managerka hostelu rekla, ze 2 lidi odrekli a tak jsme mohli zustat.
prvni den (ctvrtek) jsme se vydali lodi na bilou dlouhou plaz Lopes Mendes. Potom jsme meli takovy hlad, ze jsme, bez osprchovani a uprav, zamirili rovnou do restaurace na vybornou veceri.
druhy den jsme jeli na vylet lodi, vzali nas na 3 ruzna mista, jedno z nich Lagoa Azul (modra laguna), ktera je urcite nadherna ale ne tak moc kdyz je tam dalsich 10 lodi a plno lidi. Ale hezky jsme si tam zasnorchlovali a svitilo slunicko, takze jsme si to stejne uzili. Ten vecer jsme si varili a jako kazdy vecer jsme delali spousty caipirinha.
3. den nebylo takove vedro a my meli v planu jit 2,5 hodiny dlouhou vychazku na plaz Dois Rios. ... super. Vecer, protoze to byl predvecer mych narozenin, me kamaradi pozvali na veceri do restaurace Lua e Mar (Mesic a more) primo na plazi... stoly v pisku a tak.. meli jsme super rizoto a omacku z morskych potvurek...
v nedeli jsme byli na male hezke plaze kousek of Vila do Abraao (nejvetsi vesnice na ostrove, kde byl i nas hostel). no a pak v 5 hodin jsme nasedli na lod a rekli "cau cau ostrove"... byla to super dovca:)

7am, Monday morning. Just got back from Ilha Grande, an island by the coast of Rio de Janeiro state. Or, to be precise, I just got back from a Paradise…as Karin, a friend who went with us, said while bathing in the sea: “it’s like swimming in a postcard”.
The trip to Angra dos Reis, from which you take a boat to Ilha Grande, takes some 7 hours (we always went by night). A boat takes you to the island in some 90 minutes. And then it all gets started… NO cars, only beautiful beaches and hikes…
I was accompanied by Vicky (Colombia), Elizabeth (USA, now an exchange student in Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais state), Karin (Holand) and Sebastian (France). We were a really good team and things worked out for us. I only managed to book 3 places in a hostal but after our arrival the manager of the place told us that fortunately 2 people canceled their reservations and we all could stay. You see it was a bit difficult because it was the time of Easter and the whole Brazil had holidays… so the island was more packed but still it was wonderful.
The first day (Thursday) we went by a boat to a long beach with white white sand cald Lopes Mendes. After that we were so hungry that we found a place to eat and went for a dinner even without taking a shower…J
The second day we made an excursion on a boat which took us to 3 different places, one of them Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon), which must be really wonderful normally but not if you have some 10 boats with loads of people. But it was a sunny day and so still we had a great time. And snorkeling there was fun. That day we all cooked together and as every day we made lots of caipirinhaJ we had this small “caipirinha factory”J
3rd day we went hiking (2,5hours one way) to a beach Dois Rios… really a lovely experience. In the evening, since it was just about to be my birthday, my friends invited me for a dinner to a restaurant on a beach (tables are in the sand, it’s so lovely) Lua e Mar (Luna and Sea) and we had this delicious rizoto and seafood sauce… I loved it… we had such a great time…
On Sunday we went to a small but pretty beach near Vila do Abraao (the biggest village where we stayed in a hostal). Then at 5pm we took a boat back to catch our bus… I feel so happy for such a wonderful relaxed time…
mamka sed:
Danko, djiki moc sa to přanie co ste mi pozslali s bilima tetama a streidama. šul
děkuju moc za krasne prani k narozeninam od Adi, Aji, Brit, Danka, Filipa, Lenky & Lenky, Metky a Tesy. jste super, jsem hrozne rada, ze vas mam! pususussuuu
Danko řýká:
mamo, ale to bil nápat našý chitré teti Adélki, já som sa yba svezol... ale som rád, že tje teta potješyla
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