na dalsi fotce nas Alca vyblejskla s BOBO de camarao, coz je omacka z manioky (podobne brambore) a je v ni kokosovy olej (typicke pro stat Bahia) a taky krevety, ji se s ryzi. byla to dobrota! pripily jsme si lahvi argentinskeho vina a pak stravily noc spanim cekanim na brzsky ranni let viz. foto c. 3;)

Ali's birthday "caught up" with us at the Salvador airport, one night before leaving Bahia. Elizabeth chose a really nice restaurant and on the first picture you can see how pretty Ali looked on her special day. The second picture: us with BOBO DE CAMARAO, a typical food, made of manioca (something like potatoes) and coconut oil (typical for bahia) and shrimp. you eat it with rice.. yummi. we toasted with argentinian wine and then spent the night as you can see on the third picture, waiting for our early morning flight... :)

Ali's birthday "caught up" with us at the Salvador airport, one night before leaving Bahia. Elizabeth chose a really nice restaurant and on the first picture you can see how pretty Ali looked on her special day. The second picture: us with BOBO DE CAMARAO, a typical food, made of manioca (something like potatoes) and coconut oil (typical for bahia) and shrimp. you eat it with rice.. yummi. we toasted with argentinian wine and then spent the night as you can see on the third picture, waiting for our early morning flight... :)
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