dneska bude divoka skolni party, Gioconda. open bar, striptease... uvidime, zda se nekomu podari propasovat fotak dovnitr... :)
i have read several times that Brazil has a project called TAMAR to protect sea turtles. this project has different activities, for example they monitor the tiny baby turtles' hatching... i was really interested to see a TAMAR centre but it never worked out... only now in Floripa when we were walking on the beach and suddenly we say a sign telling that TAMAR center was close. i talked my companions into going there and what impressed me the most was a model of a turtle which can be 2 meters long... that's a giant! and the other pictures... maru gets silly on the beach sometimes (it's supposed to be capoeira:) This time i had a company, Hugo got silly with me;)
today we have this crazy all-university party, Gioconda. open bar, striptease...let's see if someone will succeed and smuggle in a camara:)
Maru, ta zelva je uzasna;) koukam, ze se nikomu asi nepovedlo propasovat na party fotak;)Ada
čus mamko, ti se máš, to já tu f Burkiňje Fasso žádní šelvi nemám. ale mám tu sase muchi cece - taže zme sy kvit. jo a jinak s tou žirafou se nebudu bavyt protože je chrosnjě namyšlená a furt se chvástá svími punťíki. ale málem mnjě zežrali lidujedji. ale to je jyné stori.
čus Daňko
a drž my tedjka asy celý mjesýc palce bo robým zkúški z hystologyje, embriologyje a anatonomije
takže čus a manana kaka tukan Burkina Fasso (to znamená: mamko mám tjě moc málo rád, chybíšmi ale ještjě se to dá vidržet tu f Burkinna Fasso, burkinski fassofski)
daněško, myzslym na tjebe, ať sú na tě přy skúškách hodnjý, inak vyš co, pošlem na nje Aranu at to vyřidí, oukei? gundu gundu gundu (som sy našla ve slovníku še to snamená f burkinje maso: "tje mam rada a přala bich si, abi taki mnjel šelvy") šul bul mamka
cauky Ado, je to tak, na party jsme byli bez fotaku,,, coz je dnes omezeni na houby, jelikoz se da fotit mobilem, ze... pusu
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