zdravim z Recife... dnes rano ve 4 hodiny jsme sem dorazily (uz jen ve dvou, s Metkou) z Maceio... daly jsme si sprchu a snidani, bagly hodily do uschovny a vyrazily do malinkeho prilehleho mestecka Olindy. cesta MHD nam trvala asi hodinu. po prijezdu jsme odrazily utok mistnich pruvodcu, zeptaly se kudy kam mistni policie a jaly se prohlidky... mestecko je kolonialni, ma fajn atmosferu a nektere pamatky pry treba uz ze 16. stoleti.... taky jsme si schruply v parku....fota> Maru s Metkou; hlavni kostel v Olinde, tzv. "SE"; Maru a Olinda; Olinda a za ni moderni Recife; mistni uklizec mi zapozoval u graffiti; Maru a strom;)
greetings from Recife... today at 4am we arrived here (just Metka and I) from Maceio... we had a bath and breakfast and then went to Olinda, a small colonial city near by (it took us 1 hour from the bus station to get there). after arriving there we had to face the "attack" of local guides who wanted to show us around... and then we were free to enjoy the nacient atmosphere of the town... some of its churches are from 16th century.. we also took a nap in a park... pictures: Maru and Metka; main church, named SE; Maru and Olinda; Olinda and behind modern Recife; local cleaning man posed for me in front of a graffiti; Maru and a tree;)
djecka ta co uzs te prejmenovali ten bjelyj gran na cierny a uzs ste spatki? cus Mama
meu amooooor! quntas saudades de voce.. gostaria muito de estar nessas praias com vc..
te amo zlato..
oi bebe, eu tambem gostaria disso! seria otimo otimo otimo... te quiero
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