rano jsem vstala v 6 hodin a vypravila se na cizineckou policii. jako zahranicni student se musim registrovat. jeste jsem si prekontrolovala seznam veci, ktere musim odevzdat - doklad o zaplaceni poplatku v hodnote asi 2 tisice kc, fotky, overenou kopii pasu... a vydala se tam s tim, ze tohle nemuze neklapnout.
cesta asi hodinu, dorazim, cekam v desti ve fronte. nastesti asi diky desti neni tolik lidi... vevnitr mi docela mily urednik rekne, ze me nezaregistruje, protoze razitko v pase tvrdi, ze 12. ledna jsem ODLETELA, ne priletela. /misto cisla 1 je na konci rady cisel cislo 2/. pry musim na cizineckou policii na letiste, aby opravili to, co "zpusobili" (bacha: vsechno je tu SILENE daleko). pry pro me nemuze nic udelat. nepomohl ani buddy na telefonu...
doma jsem 3 hodiny googlovala, jak se dostat na letiste jinak, nez specialnim busem za 270 czk tam a dalsich 270 czk zpet, byla jsem SILENE nastvana... nakonec jsem si nasla MHD spojeni, vse tam vyridila... a zitra znova v 6 rano na cizineckou... a i tak jde stravit den v SP;)
Foto: pas s vizem a razitkem, to spatne uz je preskrtnute... o celou "srandu" se postarala DVOJKA na konci rady cisel... ted uz je tam JEDNICKA ;)
2day i spent partially in foreign police office and partially in the airport... i have to register as a foreign student here... and although i had all the required stuff (a certified copie of a passport, photos, some 60 Eur in fees payed...) ... well, let's say that today it wasnt ment to happen...
the officer told me that he couldnt register me 'cause i had a wrong stamp in my passport from the Brazilian foreign border police... it says that i LEFT the country on Jan 12, insted of that i came... there was no other way than to go to the airport (had no clue how to get there.. took me a few hours to google it... it's hard to find a public transport connections if u dont know the city.. and everything is FAR) ... so now i have another stamp in my passport...
my day today started at 6am... and i spent it all doing the above described... so that's also a way how to spend time in SP... and 2morrow another chance at the foreign police... ;)
picture: my passport with visa and the two stamps...
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