V 1. semestru 2008 absolvuji vymenny studijni pobyt (VSE Praha/FGV SP) v SP, Brazilie. Skola zacne az v unoru, ja jsem priletela uz 12. ledna... to znamena, ze casu na aklimatizaci je dost:) SP je obrovske mesto, takze zvyknout si tu chvili trva.
Zatim bydlim u kamaradky Riki z Nemecka, ktera tu ale ted neni, takze jsem tu na vlastni pest...;) ale mam kontakt na jeji kamarady, taky sousedi jsou moc fajn. No a co tu porad delam? Vetsinu casu stravim v autobuse (tva silene dlouho se nekam dostat - zacpy, vzdalenost...), dale se schazim s lidma (byla jsem na veceri s mym buddym, na pivu s Veronikou, ktera tu byla na vymene semestr prede mnou, s ruznymi kamarady etc.).
Lide jsou tu neskutecne prijemni. Dal takove ty normalni veci, jako nakupy, jidlo, planovani cestovani, obcas plavani v bazenu... a taky chatovani s mymi drahymi doma:) to vse prokladam ucenim se portugalstiny:)
Zatim bydlim u kamaradky Riki z Nemecka, ktera tu ale ted neni, takze jsem tu na vlastni pest...;) ale mam kontakt na jeji kamarady, taky sousedi jsou moc fajn. No a co tu porad delam? Vetsinu casu stravim v autobuse (tva silene dlouho se nekam dostat - zacpy, vzdalenost...), dale se schazim s lidma (byla jsem na veceri s mym buddym, na pivu s Veronikou, ktera tu byla na vymene semestr prede mnou, s ruznymi kamarady etc.).
Lide jsou tu neskutecne prijemni. Dal takove ty normalni veci, jako nakupy, jidlo, planovani cestovani, obcas plavani v bazenu... a taky chatovani s mymi drahymi doma:) to vse prokladam ucenim se portugalstiny:)
Fotka: pokus o "svetla mesta, ktere nikdy nespi". jen pokus;)
I am an exchange student in the first semester of 2008 in SP, Brazil (an exchange program between VSE Prague and FGV SP). Classes will start in February and i came here on Jan 12, which means i have lots of time to get used to living here:) It's a huge city so it takes time...
For now i am staying with Riki, a friend from Germany, who is not here at the moment. But i have phone numbers of her friends and also neighbours are very nice. So what do i do here most of the time? I spend a lot of time on the bus (it takes ages to get to places- traffic, distances...), i meet people (had a dinner with my buddy, beer with Veronika who was an exchange student here last semester, friends...).
People are really nice here. I also do the regular things, like shopping, cooking, planning where i want to travel to, swimming in the pool... chatting with my dear ones back home.. and while doing all that i study portuguese.
I am an exchange student in the first semester of 2008 in SP, Brazil (an exchange program between VSE Prague and FGV SP). Classes will start in February and i came here on Jan 12, which means i have lots of time to get used to living here:) It's a huge city so it takes time...
For now i am staying with Riki, a friend from Germany, who is not here at the moment. But i have phone numbers of her friends and also neighbours are very nice. So what do i do here most of the time? I spend a lot of time on the bus (it takes ages to get to places- traffic, distances...), i meet people (had a dinner with my buddy, beer with Veronika who was an exchange student here last semester, friends...).
People are really nice here. I also do the regular things, like shopping, cooking, planning where i want to travel to, swimming in the pool... chatting with my dear ones back home.. and while doing all that i study portuguese.
The picture: i tried to capture the lights of a city that never sleeps.. i TRIED;)
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