
proste normalni tyden ~~ just a regular week...

tak tento tyden zatim ve znameni skoly.... je toho docela dost, a to vubec nestiham cist vsechno, co nam zadavaji... mno.. nejak bude. ale mam uz za sebou 1 zkousku bateria (bubnovani), kterou jsem v pondeli "vymenila" za ucast na vecerni hodine... proste... rytmus me uplne pohltil... ;)

vcera jsme s Vicky spolecne studovaly a vzpominaly, jak nam bylo o vikendu krasne (viz. foto: vecerni zabava). dneska jsem si byla vycistit hlavu v kine, na tom filmu ovencenem oscary. skoda, ze ma useknuty konec. no nic, brou noc a pusu:)

this week... school school school... i have loads of stuff to do... and i do not even manage to read all the materials which im supposed to go thru... well... let's see how things will work... but still i went to bateria practice once... and actually i skipped my monday evening class because of it.. well the rhythm would not let me go ;)

yesterday Vicky and i studied together, thinking of our fun weekend (see the picture: clubbing). today i went to see the successful oscar movie.. it's cool but the end is kind of "cut off"... .like it ends suddentally... well... good nite and kisses:)


Anonymous said...

Fakt dobry saty;)ada

Anonymous said...

diky moc, Ado. to jsou ty z Itaunas, jak jsem se do nich zamilovala pri vystupavani z autobusu... hehe no a pak ze jsem chladna zenska... vzdyt tohle je prava VASEN!!!;) Maru