nebyla jsem si samozrejme uplne jista, jestli je to to uplne prave orechove, ale rozumne jsem usoudila, ze uz nikdy nebudu opalenejsi, hubenejsi a hezci (clovek si porad mysli, ze bude lip, ale... nekde se to proste zlomi a uz je jen hur;), takze jsem vyuzila jedinecne prilezitosti a sla jsem do toho.
party byla divoka a vydarena, tancovali jsme a pili (v cene vstupeny piti, tzv. open bar) od pulnoci do 5 rano. FOTO: Sandra, francouzska sluzebna Marie Lise (Francie), sexy vezenkyne Vicky (Kolumbie) a cesky zajda Maru;)
on Saturday we had an all-university party called Giovanna. it was necessary to have a mask. so Maru made come true her dream of becoming, just for a little while, a PLAYBOY BUNNY, who has only one mission to accomplish: that is, to be SEXY.
of course i was not 100 % sure but then again i thought that there will be no other time when i will be more tanned and more skinny (one thinks that better times are to come but there is a breaking point somewhere i guess where everything starts to go the opposite way;) so i used this unique opportunity:)
the party was wild and cool, we danced and drank (open bar system:) from midnight till 5am. PICTURE: Sandra, french maid Marie Lise (France), sexy prisoner Vicky (colombia) and czech bunny Maru.
Ahoj Maru, hmm fakt ti to sekne;)Ada
JJ, naprosty souhlas s Adou :)
nazdar decka, dekuju moc:) Vas zajda ;)
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