
chorrinho a pupek Latinske Ameriky ~~ chorrinho and the bellybutton of Latin America

Sampa ma bezva kulturni centru, SESC. ve stredu tam byva v kavarnicce ve 14. patre ziva hudba, chorrinho, coz je hudba typicka pro Sao Paulo, je to predchudce samby, se kterou toho ma dost spolecneho. vydali jsme se tam s Karin a s Hugem, uz podruhe. trocha atmosfery snad pujde "odkoukat" z videa. SESC je primo na Avenida Paulista, ktera se da povazovat za "pupek" Brazilie, nebo primo Latinske Ameriky (financni centrum). prvni fotka: Maru a Karin a vez, na Av. Paulista, nafoceno pri navratu z centra. druha fotka: pohled z terasy kulturniho centra na Av. Paulista.
Sampa has a cool cultural centre, SESC. on wednesdays there is live music - Chorrinho - in a coffee place on the 14th floor. Chorrinho is typical for Sao Paulo, it is an antecedent of samba and has a lot in common with it. we went there with Karin and Hugo, for the second time already. hopefully you will be able to feel a bit of the atmosphere thanx to the video... :) SESC is on Av. Paulista, which can be considered "the bellybutton"of Brazil and of Latin America as well (financial centre). first picture: Maru and Karin and one of the towers on av. Paulista, picture taken on the way home. 2nd: a view of Av. Paulista from SESC terrace.

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