
Liberdade aneb kousek Japonska v srdci Sampy ~~ Liberdade - a piece of Japan in the heart of Sampa

v nedeli jsme se po "narocne" green go party vypravili na Liberdade (metrem je to kousek od domu), coz je japonska ctvrt. kazdou nedeli je zde narvano, je tu totiz trh a taky plno jidla:) Japoncu do Brazilie emigrovalo hodne, pry proto, ze chybela pracovni sila. a taky mozna valka a tak. dari se jim asi dobre, protoze napriklad na moji univerzite tady, ktera je pekne draha a jen pro elitu, je hodne jejich potomku, coz se neda rict o potomcich cernych otroku... (nemame ani jednoho na cele univerzite). vsimnete si vlajek (za mnou na prvni fotce) / pul je brazilska a pul japonska. no a maru pozuje s pletenou kytickou do vlasu, kterou si tam koupila. druha fotka: Maru, Morad a jeho kamarad Ivo (oba holandsko) a Alejandra, sestra Vicky. treti fotka: born free pred katedralou Se.
on Sunday, after the "exhausting" green go party, we went to Liberdade (close to my place if you catch a subway). Liberdade is a Japanese quarter. every sunday it gets full, there is a market and loads of food stalls... there were many immigrants coming from Japan to Brazil, partially because of labour that was needed here and partially the war, maybe... their children and grandchildren and grandgrandchildren are doing well, for example, there is a lot of them at my university here (it's an expensive university, for elite only) but there is no one of african descendence... notice the flags (on the 1st picture). it's half brazilian and half japanese. i bought this beautiful flower there for my hair:) 2nd picture: Maru, Morad and Ivo (HOland) and Alexandra, Vicky's sister. 3rd picture: born free in front of the Se Cathedral.

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