zdravim ze zajimaveho mesta na severu Brazilie, Sao Luis. jsme rady, ze jsme zmenily plany a zavitaly sem... zalozeno Francouzi, potom se tu vystridali jeste Holandani a Portugalci. mesto je neskutecne zajimave, hlavni "narez" jsou tu okachlickovane domy... foto snad jeste dodam... je to totiz dost chude mesto, takze jsme byly varovany, ze promenadovat se s fotakem neni to prave orechove... jinak jsme tu uz 3 dny, a nas program vypada nasledovne: plaz - busem asi 40 min od centra (1. foto: muj dnesni vyhled), kde si davame vyborne plody more, ktere prodavaji chodici prodavaci primo na plazi: dneska to byly krevety, vcera dokonce ustrice. vyborne, cerstve, levne. fota: krevety a Metka s krevetama; pote se vracime do Sao Luis (posledni 2 fota) a dame si sprchu a jdeme veceret (maji tu takove bezva namesti plne restauraci) a dneska doufame v reggae party, protoze Sao Luis je povazovano za hlavni mesto reggae (je tu hodne cernochu; dovazeli sem otroky z Afriky). zitra vecer se vydavame do mesta Belem... pokracovani od tamtud. paaaa :)
greetings from the interesting city of Sao Luis in the north of Brazil; we did not even want to visit this place but we are happy about changing our minds...it was built by French and then the Dutch spent some time here and last ones to colonize this area were Portuguese. the city is very interesting, lovely architecture but fallin appart... whats really cool are tiles on the facades of houses... vl try to get some photo its a bit complicated here because its quite a poor place and its not adviseable to run around with cameras... we have been here for 3 days... our day looks like this: we go to beach (pic nr 1 is my todays view) and eat goodies like seafood from the by passing sellers... today it was shrimps, yesterday oysters.. fresh, delicious, cheap... see a pic of Metka with shrimp... in the afternoon we go back to Sao Luis... we have dinner at a small square full of restaurants... see the city in last two pics. 2day we hope that there will be a reggae party as the city is considered the capital of reggae... (lots of black inhabitants cause slaves from africa were brought here). 2morrow in the evening we are heading to Belem... so next news from there... byeeee :)
danko ja sy myzslym se vipukne boj vo teho comentatora vys? nicmene; pozslu teda bankofku jo. a noveho tatku musete posnat o fanocych (to nema bit nikedo sam tak som cho posvala do Romyje jo). sul bul kul hul Mamka
ps. vubec se na tjeba ani na aranu netjesym (po nasom ;)
honey!!! ok, i know that the chechs doesn't understand the spaninsh so, im going to write in english now to be the comentor of the month haha...
zlato, i loved the photos... im sorry about my englihs haha i can't expres that good
i love u
mamko, vloš sa do teho, toto sy nenechám lýbit. to to je potlé. já sa tu snažým celí tvůj pobit f brasyllandovy, o tehoto posta, a tak Don Chuan de la casa Mimoňa mja o njej přyprafý?
tak to teda ne, šenu to Štrasburku k súdu.
for Hungarien speaking people:
Itt fontos vagyok, szeretlek, az áblak magyarorság, ekty tizézsér nomtos györ keleti palyaudvar - kídem vygyátorök, köszönöm nem gépel nyitva kabát macska. Aviszontlátasra.
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