
projeto TAMAR

uz nekolikrat jsem cetla, ze v Brazilii maji projekt TAMAR, na ochranu vodnich zelv. projekt ma nejruznejsi aktivity, napr. sledovani lihnuti maly zelvicek a tak... mela jsem zajem jit se podivat do centra TAMAR, ale nikdy to neklaplo... az ve Floripe:) sli jsme po plazi a naraz sipka: PROJETO TAMAR... takze maru nevahala, ukecala doprovod a sli jsme se mrknout na zelvicky... nejvic me dostala maketa zelvy, ktera muze merit v dospelosti az 2 metry... to je fakt kolos! no a jinak maru obcas takhle blbne na plazi (to ma byt capoeira;), tentokrat se k blbnuti pridal i Hugo:)
dneska bude divoka skolni party, Gioconda. open bar, striptease... uvidime, zda se nekomu podari propasovat fotak dovnitr... :)

i have read several times that Brazil has a project called TAMAR to protect sea turtles. this project has different activities, for example they monitor the tiny baby turtles' hatching... i was really interested to see a TAMAR centre but it never worked out... only now in Floripa when we were walking on the beach and suddenly we say a sign telling that TAMAR center was close. i talked my companions into going there and what impressed me the most was a model of a turtle which can be 2 meters long... that's a giant! and the other pictures... maru gets silly on the beach sometimes (it's supposed to be capoeira:) This time i had a company, Hugo got silly with me;)
today we have this crazy all-university party, Gioconda. open bar, striptease...let's see if someone will succeed and smuggle in a camara:)



tak... zacnu hezky od posledniho dne ve Floripe... uz s baglama jsme vyrazili v nedeli odpoledne na plaz Joaquina, ktera je povestna krasnymi dunami. Tam jsme si pronajali sand boardy a jali se sjizdet duny - mrknete na video. Byla to dobra sranda, vlastne jsme byli jen v sortkach a tricku, bez bot. Board ma takovy zachytny pruhy a do tech se strci nohy. Bylo tam i par borcu co prejizdeli zabradli a skakali, jak kdyby to byl snowboard. Vyhoda: pri tomhle boardovani vam nemrzne zadek;) Potom jsme sli na plaz na pivo a pote si dali v malem mestecku hned vedle vybornou vecu, z ryb a krevet... no a pak uz sup na autobus do SP...
Fotky: Maru se drape nahoru na dunu, v pozadi more; Maru a Hugo, velci piskovi surfari;)

well... let me start from our last day in Floripa... on Sunday, with our bags packed alredy, we took off for Joaquina beach which is known for its huge beautiful sand dunes. We rented sand boards there and had fun riding down the dunes -check out the video. It's cool, you can do it barefoot, the board has two stripes where you place your feet. We have seen a couple of guys who were doing jumps as if it was a snowboard. an advantege of sandboarding is though: your butt doesn't freeze off;) Then we had a cold bear on the beach and later on a lovely dinner in a village near by, fish and shrimps... and then... bus to SP..
Pictures: Maru is climbing a dune; Maru and Hugo, the coolest sand surfers around ;)


floripa sexy :)

Takze... jak uz jsem tu nekolikrat avizovala, stravila jsem minuly ctvrtek, patek, so a ne ve Floripe, ktera je asi 11 hodin od SP. Byla to mimoradne vydarena dovca, pocasi klaplo (kazdy den asi 30 stupnu... jinak uz byva zima...) a vsechno ostatni taky...
no a co tam Maru delala? krome toho, ze si nechala vehnat slzy do oci skupinou delfinu, kteri si jen tak jako by nic propravali kolem (bylo to neskutecne... vzdycky jsem hrozne touzila videt delfiny ve volne prirode...takze splneny sen:) a valela se na plazi, tak taky jedla musle nebo ustrice a surfovala na pisku... teste se na dalsi clanecek..:) xoxox

soooo.... as i have mentioned a couple of times alredy, i spent last prolonged weekend in Floripa, some 11 hours from SP. It was a lovely holiday, everything worked just great, including weather; we had some 30 degrees every day... usually it's getting cold around this time so we were lucky:)
and what was Maru doing there? not only that Maru allowed a group of wild dolphins to bring tears into her eyes.... (you see... it was my dream to see wild dolphins... it was a very strong emotional moment for me) but she also spent days on beaches, she ate seafood and did sand surfing... get ready for some more articles to come:) xoxox


ahoj:) ~~ heey:)

moc zdravim, v pondeli jsem se vratila z Floripy a od te doby studuju/pracuju/ veselim se (vcera jsme meli bezva vecu-pizzu v byte u Karin, vypili jsme u toho hodne piv a bylo nam skvele:) porad jeste nemam fotky z Floripy, ale uz by to melo prijit... teste se! :)
hey, what's up. i came back to Sampa on monday and since then i study/work/ have fun (yesterday only we had a nice dinner at Karin's place, pizza with lots of beer:) im still waiting for pictures from Floripa i should have them soon! look forward to them! :)


mam dovcu!! ~~ holiday again!!

ahoooj tak at zije Brazilie, dnes vecer zas jedu na dovcu! na jih, do mesta Florianopolis, prezdivaneho Floripa. vecer nastoupim do busu ve mem milovanem osklivem SP a rano vystoupim ve Floripe:) je sice uz kveten, ale melo by tam byt asi tak 28 stupnu (informace z netu). jsou tam nadherne plaze a duny:), viz. obrazek.... tesim se... ozvu se po navratu, pristi tyden... pusu

heyyyy Brazil is too cool... tonight im leaving for vacations again! im heading south, to Florianopolis, also called Floripa. in the evening i will get on a bus in my beloved ugly SP and in hte morning im in Floripa! it's already may but the forecast says we will have som 28 degrees... the place has beautiful beaches and dunes... look at the pic! i will get back to you when im back, next week... kisses


Alciny narozeniny ~~ Ali's birthday

Narozeniny Alci Mitterove nas zastihly na letisty v Salvadoru, noc pred odletem z Bahia. Elizabeth vybrala super restauraci a na prvni fotce muzete videt, jak to Alce v jeji specialni den sluselo:)
na dalsi fotce nas Alca vyblejskla s BOBO de camarao, coz je omacka z manioky (podobne brambore) a je v ni kokosovy olej (typicke pro stat Bahia) a taky krevety, ji se s ryzi. byla to dobrota! pripily jsme si lahvi argentinskeho vina a pak stravily noc spanim cekanim na brzsky ranni let viz. foto c. 3;)

Ali's birthday "caught up" with us at the Salvador airport, one night before leaving Bahia. Elizabeth chose a really nice restaurant and on the first picture you can see how pretty Ali looked on her special day. The second picture: us with BOBO DE CAMARAO, a typical food, made of manioca (something like potatoes) and coconut oil (typical for bahia) and shrimp. you eat it with rice.. yummi. we toasted with argentinian wine and then spent the night as you can see on the third picture, waiting for our early morning flight... :)


jeste jednou Bahia ~~ once more Bahia...

A takhle Maru v Salvadoru capoeirovala:) jinak ted mam opet normalni zivot v Sao Paulu, v patek jsme meli skolni party, open bar (zaplat a pak vypij, co muzes). na party hraly kapely lidi ze skoly a bylo to fajn, taky diky nespocetnym drinkum whisky a taky protoze jsme se tam sesli skoro vsichni studenti co jsou na vymennem pobytu tady, coz uz se nam dyl nepovedlo. takze spokojenost. no a vcera flakacka a dneska jsem se pred chvili vratila z 3-hodinoveho treninku capoiery... zdravim! xoxoxo

This is how Maru played capoeira in Salvador:) otherwise my life is bck to normal here in SP, on Friday we had a party of my university here, it was open bar again heheh. the music was provided by bands of people from the university and i had a great time, mainly thanx to loads of whiskey and also because most of students who are here on exchange showed up and it was nice to see everyone. and yesterday was just laid back and today i just came back from a 3-hour capoeira practice... greetings... xoxoxo


jak Maru surfovala ~~ how Maru surfed

Bahia, Alca chtela zkusit surf, takze se lina Maru, ac se ji nechtelo, pridala (protoze vedela, ze by ji to nedalo a ze by pozdeji litovala, ze nezkusila;)
najaly jsme si prkna a Allana, mistniho ucitele surfu. (na prvni fotce v pozadi). byl fakt dobry, taky cely zivot nedela nic jinyho nez ze surfuje a bali kocky, ze;) uz druhy den se mne i Alce podarilo se na surfu postavit. libilo se mi:)
Bahia. Alca wanted to try surfing so lazy Mary did not stay behind (because i knew i would be sorry if i didnt;) we rented boards and Allan, a local surf teacher. (on the picture). he was really good. no wonder, all he's been doing for all his life is surfing and flirting with cute turists;) the second day already both Alca and I managed to stand on the board. it was fun;)


den maminek ~~ mother's day

obrovskou pusu k svatku vsech bezva maminek:) mam Vas moc rada! xoxoxoxo Maruska

a huge kiss to all wonderful moms:) i love you! xoxoxo Maruska

ITACARE - 4 dny v raji ~~ 4 days in paradise

ITACARE - mala vesnicka, asi 7 hodin od Salvadoru. nadherne plaze, je z ceho vybirat, ani jsme je nevidely vsechny. Stravily jsme tu 4 rajske dny, program byl nasledujici: snidane v nasem krasnem ubytovani, plaz. Surfovani. Flirtovani s mistnimi mladiky. Vecere, pak caipirinha v baru Favela (barman: viz foto). Pote party. Dalsi den znovu:)
ITACARE is a small village some 7 hours from Salvador. beautiful beaches, there are so many that we did not even see them all. our daily program was as follows: breakfast in our lovely accommodation, beach. surf. flirting with local guys. dinner. caipirinhas in bar Favela (see the bar attender;). after that, party. and the following day again;)



ahojky, konecne jsem tu a v plne sile. dnes si budeme povidat o meste Salvador da Bahia, ktere je, dle meho pruvodce, "nejhistorictejsim mestem v Brazilii, ktere ma nejvetsi sbirku kolonialni architektury v Latinske Americe". jeho historickym centrem je Pelourinho, kde jsme se taky s holkama ubytovaly. stravily jsme tam 2 noci a pak jsme zvolily "utek" na plaze... vysvetlim proc.

ty dva dny ve meste jsme stravily hlavne nakupovanim drobnosti a prohlidkou mesta... je krasne, ale rozpada se. navic je centrum plne lidi, kteri se vam snazi prodat koralky (uz mate po nakupech a fakt uz nic nepotrebujete) nebo zebraji. takze unavne. nicmene byla to zkusenost. jo a ze jste turisti kazdy odhali neskutecne rychle, vetsina obyvatel Salvadoru jsou totiz potomci otroku dovezenych z Afriky, takze tmava plet...

vsechny krasne fotky, ktere Vam tu prezentuju, jsou nafocene oficialnim fotografem nasi dovolene, Alcou Mitterovou. diky moc, Ali. az najdu kabel, tak predstavim i ja svych par ubohych fotek;)
Fotky: 1. pohled na Salvador; 2. fontana pred katedralou; 3. Maru uvazuje maslicky pred kostelem Senhor do Bomfin, ktere splni prani; 4. ovoce; 5. pani v typickem obleceni, ktera prodava typicke jidlo: ACARAJE: to je takovy knedlik z lustenin, cely usmazeny v oleji. ten pak naplni napr. ruznou kasi a krevetama a taky pridaji palivou papriku. mnamka.

heeey so im back and today i will tell you a bit about the city of Salvador da Bahia, which is, according to my guide "the most historic city in Brazil, possessing the largest collection of colonial architecture in Latin America". its historical center is called Pelourinho. we stayed there in a hostal and after 2 days we decided to "escape" to the beaches.. i will explain why...

those two days we spend shopping for little gifts and sightseeing. the city is beautiful but its buildings need to be reconstructed quite badly! the city center is full of people who either try to sell you small souvenirs and necklaces etc (you have shopped already and you do not need anything else) or they beg. it's really tiring. well still it was en experience. well and that you're a turist is very clear because most of Salvador's population are descendents from slaves brought from Africa...
all the beautiful pictures here were taken by the official photographer of the trip, Alca Mitterova. Thank you, Ali. after i find my camera cable, i will present some of my pictures as well:)
pictures: 1. Salvador; 2. fountain in front of cathedral; 3. Maru and bows in front of the church of Senhor do Bomfin - they will make your wishes come true; 4. fruits; 5. Lady in a typical dress selling typical food: ACARAJE: which is a sort of a dumpling made of beans and it's deep fried. it's filled things like porridge and shrimp and hot pepper. yummmi.


tak uz uplne zpet v SP ~~ so now definitely back in SP

dneska jsem prijela z economiadas, doprovodila Alcu na letiste a jsem zrala do postele. ale abyste videli, jak mi Bahia svedci, tak prikladam fotku;) (trosku narcisticka, ale uzivam si to, protoze takhle uz asi nikdy vypadat nebudu;)

so today i came back from economiadas. i accompanied Alca to the airport and now im ready to go to sleep... but just for you to know... Bahia has been kind to me... here is a picture;) (sorry for being a bit self-obsessed but i kinda have a feeling that i will hardly ever look better than this... so im enjoying it;)