ahojky, konecne jsem tu a v plne sile. dnes si budeme povidat o meste Salvador da Bahia, ktere je, dle meho pruvodce, "nejhistorictejsim mestem v Brazilii, ktere ma nejvetsi sbirku kolonialni architektury v Latinske Americe". jeho historickym centrem je Pelourinho, kde jsme se taky s holkama ubytovaly. stravily jsme tam 2 noci a pak jsme zvolily "utek" na plaze... vysvetlim proc.
ty dva dny ve meste jsme stravily hlavne nakupovanim drobnosti a prohlidkou mesta... je krasne, ale rozpada se. navic je centrum plne lidi, kteri se vam snazi prodat koralky (uz mate po nakupech a fakt uz nic nepotrebujete) nebo zebraji. takze unavne. nicmene byla to zkusenost. jo a ze jste turisti kazdy odhali neskutecne rychle, vetsina obyvatel Salvadoru jsou totiz potomci otroku dovezenych z Afriky, takze tmava plet...
vsechny krasne fotky, ktere Vam tu prezentuju, jsou nafocene oficialnim fotografem nasi dovolene, Alcou Mitterovou. diky moc, Ali. az najdu kabel, tak predstavim i ja svych par ubohych fotek;)
Fotky: 1. pohled na Salvador; 2. fontana pred katedralou; 3. Maru uvazuje maslicky pred kostelem Senhor do Bomfin, ktere splni prani; 4. ovoce; 5. pani v typickem obleceni, ktera prodava typicke jidlo: ACARAJE: to je takovy knedlik z lustenin, cely usmazeny v oleji. ten pak naplni napr. ruznou kasi a krevetama a taky pridaji palivou papriku. mnamka.

heeey so im back and today i will tell you a bit about the city of Salvador da Bahia, which is, according to my guide "the most historic city in Brazil, possessing the largest collection of colonial architecture in Latin America". its historical center is called Pelourinho. we stayed there in a hostal and after 2 days we decided to "escape" to the beaches.. i will explain why...
those two days we spend shopping for little gifts and sightseeing. the city is beautiful but its buildings need to be reconstructed quite badly! the city center is full of people who either try to sell you small souvenirs and necklaces etc (you have shopped already and you do not need anything else) or they beg. it's really tiring. well still it was en experience. well and that you're a turist is very clear because most of Salvador's population are descendents from slaves brought from Africa...
all the beautiful pictures here were taken by the official photographer of the trip, Alca Mitterova. Thank you, Ali. after i find my camera cable, i will present some of my pictures as well:)
pictures: 1. Salvador; 2. fountain in front of cathedral; 3. Maru and bows in front of the church of Senhor do Bomfin - they will make your wishes come true; 4. fruits; 5. Lady in a typical dress selling typical food: ACARAJE: which is a sort of a dumpling made of beans and it's deep fried. it's filled things like porridge and shrimp and hot pepper. yummmi.