
jak Maru opustila Brazilii aniz by tam kdykoli priletela/ how Maru left Brazil without actually getting there

rano jsem vstala v 6 hodin a vypravila se na cizineckou policii. jako zahranicni student se musim registrovat. jeste jsem si prekontrolovala seznam veci, ktere musim odevzdat - doklad o zaplaceni poplatku v hodnote asi 2 tisice kc, fotky, overenou kopii pasu... a vydala se tam s tim, ze tohle nemuze neklapnout.

cesta asi hodinu, dorazim, cekam v desti ve fronte. nastesti asi diky desti neni tolik lidi... vevnitr mi docela mily urednik rekne, ze me nezaregistruje, protoze razitko v pase tvrdi, ze 12. ledna jsem ODLETELA, ne priletela. /misto cisla 1 je na konci rady cisel cislo 2/. pry musim na cizineckou policii na letiste, aby opravili to, co "zpusobili" (bacha: vsechno je tu SILENE daleko). pry pro me nemuze nic udelat. nepomohl ani buddy na telefonu...

doma jsem 3 hodiny googlovala, jak se dostat na letiste jinak, nez specialnim busem za 270 czk tam a dalsich 270 czk zpet, byla jsem SILENE nastvana... nakonec jsem si nasla MHD spojeni, vse tam vyridila... a zitra znova v 6 rano na cizineckou... a i tak jde stravit den v SP;)

Foto: pas s vizem a razitkem, to spatne uz je preskrtnute... o celou "srandu" se postarala DVOJKA na konci rady cisel... ted uz je tam JEDNICKA ;)

2day i spent partially in foreign police office and partially in the airport... i have to register as a foreign student here... and although i had all the required stuff (a certified copie of a passport, photos, some 60 Eur in fees payed...) ... well, let's say that today it wasnt ment to happen...

the officer told me that he couldnt register me 'cause i had a wrong stamp in my passport from the Brazilian foreign border police... it says that i LEFT the country on Jan 12, insted of that i came... there was no other way than to go to the airport (had no clue how to get there.. took me a few hours to google it... it's hard to find a public transport connections if u dont know the city.. and everything is FAR) ... so now i have another stamp in my passport...

my day today started at 6am... and i spent it all doing the above described... so that's also a way how to spend time in SP... and 2morrow another chance at the foreign police... ;)

picture: my passport with visa and the two stamps...


454 let Sao Paula/ 454 years of SP/ MAS QUE NADA!!

PARABÉNS, SAO PAULO! (= vsechno nejlepsi, SP!). v patek 25. ledna bylo vyroci 454 let existence mesta SP. pocasi sice nic moc svatecni nebylo, ale aspon se to ustalilo na neprseni... s Julianou, jejim brachou a pritelem jsme vyrazili odpoledne do Parque da Independência, kde byl na programu koncert nekolika skupin. ukazalo se, ze jsem mela opet vic stesti nez cehokoli jineho, jelikoz jsme zhledli 2 uzasne skupiny: FUNK COMO LE GUSTA (brazilsky funk, hodne znamy) a pak legendu JORGE BEM JOR, ktery slozil pisen MAS QUE NADA (kterou "proslavili" Black Eyed Peas ve svem "mas que nada"). z koncertu jsme sli utahani jak kotata, ale naprosto spokojeni:)
Foto: Marcel a Maru, za nami jde nad podiem mozna rozeznat "454 anos"
MRKNETE NA VIDEO!!! (pod textem)

PARABÉNS, SAO PAULO! (= happy birthday). on Fri Jan 25th SP celebrated its 454th anniversary. the weather was not very festive but still at least it decided not to rain... in the afternoon, Juliana and her brother and her friend and I went to Parque da Independência. on the programme there was a concert of various music groups. it came to show that again i was rather lucky because we got to see 2 cool groups: FUNK COMO LE GUSTA (brazilian funk, very famous) and the legendary JORGE BEM JOR, who composed the famous song MAS QUE NADA (which was also made even more known by Black Eyed Peas in their "mas que nada"). we left the place very very tired but more than satisfied:)

Picture: Marcel and Maru, behind us above the stage you might be able to read "454 anos"


Lazenske oplatky slavi uspech:) / Czech spa wafers a success in Brazil:)

vcera odpoledne jsem byla u Juliany doma (kamaradka Riki, moc bezva holka), koukli jsme se na film Ray (o muzikantovi Ray Charlesovi - super film) a pak po veceri byly jako dezert lazenske oplatky. mamince, Juliane i jejimu priteli moc chutnaly:)
ps. maminka ma rada hudbu a zna Smetanu, ma dokonce CD s Vltavou doma

yesterday in the afternoon i went to visit Juliana (a friend of Riki, a very lovely person), we watched a movie called Ray (about a musician Ray Charles - a really good one) and after dinner the desert were Czech Spa Wafers (traditional sweets from the Czech Republic). mama, Juliana and her friend found the wafers real tasty:)

ps. Juliana's mom loves music and she knows the czech composer Smetana, she even has a CD with "Vltava" (one of his best pieces) at home

Kde bydlim / Where do I live now

ahojky, tak dneska napisu neco malo o tom, kde bydlim. hlavne teda vlozim nekolik fotek, ktere jsem vyfotila z balkonu:) bydlim ted u Riki, kamaradky z Nemecka. Ma krasny byt ve 21. patre vyskoveho domu - prijde mi, ze jsou tu dva typy bydleni: bud ve favelach /tj. slumech/ nebo ve vyskovych domech... jde o tzv. Condominios - nekolik domu stoji na spolecnem pozemku, je tam treba i bazen (viz. prvni foto). to cele je obehnane plotem. a brany /vchody jsou hlidane. takze se tu clovek citi bezpecne. je to asi fajn ma clovek deti, muze je nechat litat na pozemku:)
Fotky: pohled z balkonu za dne/v noci

hi, today i will write a bit about where i live here. and most important, i will add a few pictures which i took from the balcony. now i live at Riki's place (Riki is a friend from Germany). she has a beautiful appartment on 21st floor of a very high building (it seems to me that you either live in a favela /which is a slum/ or in these high houses... the place is called Condominio - it's a few houses that are built on the same property, there is also a swimming pool usually (see the 1st picture). the whole place is protected by a fence and the entrance is guarded. so one can feel safe here. it must be also cool when you have kids and you let them run around..:)
Pictures: a view from the balcony during the day/at night


V Brazilii... In Brazil

V 1. semestru 2008 absolvuji vymenny studijni pobyt (VSE Praha/FGV SP) v SP, Brazilie. Skola zacne az v unoru, ja jsem priletela uz 12. ledna... to znamena, ze casu na aklimatizaci je dost:) SP je obrovske mesto, takze zvyknout si tu chvili trva.

Zatim bydlim u kamaradky Riki z Nemecka, ktera tu ale ted neni, takze jsem tu na vlastni pest...;) ale mam kontakt na jeji kamarady, taky sousedi jsou moc fajn. No a co tu porad delam? Vetsinu casu stravim v autobuse (tva silene dlouho se nekam dostat - zacpy, vzdalenost...), dale se schazim s lidma (byla jsem na veceri s mym buddym, na pivu s Veronikou, ktera tu byla na vymene semestr prede mnou, s ruznymi kamarady etc.).

Lide jsou tu neskutecne prijemni. Dal takove ty normalni veci, jako nakupy, jidlo, planovani cestovani, obcas plavani v bazenu... a taky chatovani s mymi drahymi doma:) to vse prokladam ucenim se portugalstiny:)
Fotka: pokus o "svetla mesta, ktere nikdy nespi". jen pokus;)

I am an exchange student in the first semester of 2008 in SP, Brazil (an exchange program between VSE Prague and FGV SP). Classes will start in February and i came here on Jan 12, which means i have lots of time to get used to living here:) It's a huge city so it takes time...

For now i am staying with Riki, a friend from Germany, who is not here at the moment. But i have phone numbers of her friends and also neighbours are very nice. So what do i do here most of the time? I spend a lot of time on the bus (it takes ages to get to places- traffic, distances...), i meet people (had a dinner with my buddy, beer with Veronika who was an exchange student here last semester, friends...).

People are really nice here. I also do the regular things, like shopping, cooking, planning where i want to travel to, swimming in the pool... chatting with my dear ones back home.. and while doing all that i study portuguese.
The picture: i tried to capture the lights of a city that never sleeps.. i TRIED;)

Nez jsem prijela sem... Before coming here...

Nez jsem prijela do São Paula (dale SP), mela jsem krasne Vanoce a Silvestra s mou rodinou a prateli... Na navsteve tu byla i Arathy, moc dobra kamaradka z Indie:)

Fotka z Cervenohorskeho sedla: mama, Arathy, tata a ja.

Before coming to São Paulo (SP), I had wonderful Christmas and New Year's Eve with my family and friends... Also Arathy, my dear friend from India, came to visit us:)

The picture is from Cervenohorske sedlo (mountains close to my home town, Sumperk). My mom, Arathy, my dad and I.