finally! finally! real, suntanned, nice and musculous.... in other words, brazilian baywatch!!! :) what do you think girls, would you go for it?? ;)
uz je to tady! uz je to tady! pravi, nefalsovani, opaleni, sympaticti a svalnati... proste brazilska pobrezni hlidka:) holky, co, nezhresily byste?? ;)
vikend s capoeirou a pizzou, jen co se do vas vejde:) ~~ weekend with capoeira and as much pizza as you can eat:)
muj vikend: SOBOTA: capoeira. s Oliverem z Kolumbie jsme se vydali na nas 2. brazilsky trenink capoeiry se skupinou Candeias, kterou vede professor Jair. bylo to super, ucim se nejen hrat capoeiru (jogar capoeira / cti žogar capoera) ale i na nastroje (bubny etc.). Fakt bezva profesor a mili lidi ve skupine, moc se nam s nimi libi:)
po capoeire: s kolumbijskymi prateli jsme se vydali na rodizio pizzy, tj. zaplatite urcitou castku a muzete snist tolik pizzy, co se do vas vejde. do nas se veslo docela dost:)
NEDELE byla ve znameni prace na PC prokladane chatovanim/volanim s mamou, Tesou, Adou, Filipem, babi, Prahou, Hankou... a ted k veceru jsem si byla zachodit tady dole v baraku na masine... cely den stejne prselo, a tohle je takova snadna cesta k pohybu. pusu Maru
ps. foto 1: Maru hraje capoeiru. Maru je ta rozmazana cerna:)
foto 2: kamos z Ekvadoru, Jair, Maru, Oliver
My weekend: SATURDAY: capoeira. with Oliver from Colombia we went to our 2nd practice with Group Candeias, which is led by professor Jair. it was really cool, i learn to jogar capoeira and also to drum. the professor is really good and all the people in the group are very nice, we like to practice with them.
after capoeira: with my colombian friends we went to pizza rodizio, which means you pay a certain amount of money and you can eat as much as you can eat:) we have eaten quite a lot:)
SUNDAY: i spend by working and chatting and talking to my mom and Tesa and Ada and Hanka and Filip and grandma and auntie... it's been raining the whole day so now in the evening i only went downstairs the this work-out machine to walk for some 30 min.. easy fast way to move my but a bit. kisses Maru
ps. picture 1: Maru and capoeira. Maru is the black smudged one:)
picture 2: a friend from Ecuador, Jair, Maru, Oliver
po capoeire: s kolumbijskymi prateli jsme se vydali na rodizio pizzy, tj. zaplatite urcitou castku a muzete snist tolik pizzy, co se do vas vejde. do nas se veslo docela dost:)
NEDELE byla ve znameni prace na PC prokladane chatovanim/volanim s mamou, Tesou, Adou, Filipem, babi, Prahou, Hankou... a ted k veceru jsem si byla zachodit tady dole v baraku na masine... cely den stejne prselo, a tohle je takova snadna cesta k pohybu. pusu Maru
ps. foto 1: Maru hraje capoeiru. Maru je ta rozmazana cerna:)
foto 2: kamos z Ekvadoru, Jair, Maru, Oliver
My weekend: SATURDAY: capoeira. with Oliver from Colombia we went to our 2nd practice with Group Candeias, which is led by professor Jair. it was really cool, i learn to jogar capoeira and also to drum. the professor is really good and all the people in the group are very nice, we like to practice with them.
after capoeira: with my colombian friends we went to pizza rodizio, which means you pay a certain amount of money and you can eat as much as you can eat:) we have eaten quite a lot:)
SUNDAY: i spend by working and chatting and talking to my mom and Tesa and Ada and Hanka and Filip and grandma and auntie... it's been raining the whole day so now in the evening i only went downstairs the this work-out machine to walk for some 30 min.. easy fast way to move my but a bit. kisses Maru
ps. picture 1: Maru and capoeira. Maru is the black smudged one:)
picture 2: a friend from Ecuador, Jair, Maru, Oliver
patek na plazi.... ~~ Friday on the beach
"pilni" studenti z FGV (jmeno nasi univerzity) vyrazili v patek na plaz u mestecka Bertioga, rozdychat prvni "narocny" tyden ve skole;) celkem cesta ze SP asi 3 hodiny... ale stalo to za to!!! super prazdna plaz, koupani... :)
FGV students (FGV is my university here) went to the beach this friday to get some rest after the 1st "demanding" week of school;) we went to a small city of Bertioga, some 3 hrs from SP.. it was worth it!!! the beach was ours, the swimming was too cool:)
1. foto: Maru
2. foto: cely nas plazovy all-stars team: Sandra, Cata, Camilo, Vicky (vsichni Kolumbie) a Maru (CZ)
3. foto: teprve bude... teste se na PRAVE BRAZILSKE ZACHRANARE!!!!!
FGV students (FGV is my university here) went to the beach this friday to get some rest after the 1st "demanding" week of school;) we went to a small city of Bertioga, some 3 hrs from SP.. it was worth it!!! the beach was ours, the swimming was too cool:)
1st picture: Maru
2nd picture: our beach all-stars team: Sandra, Cata, Camilo, Vicky (all Colombia) and Maru (CZ)
3rd picture: is about to be uploaded for you... look forward to REAL BRAZILIAN BAYWATCH!!!!
Ctenar Mesice ~~ Reader of the Month
Danecko, tohle je pro tebe. si nejlepsi:) pozdravuj Aranku a az mi posle foto, bude taky viset na blogu. Aranka je totiz taky nejlespsi... tak a je to;) pusu, Mamka
Danecko, you are the best. this is for you. When Aranka sends me a picture, she will hang on my blog as well.. she's the best, too;) kisses, Mommy
Pozdrav specialni ~~ a special greeting
Jeste fotecka z Carnavalu ~~ One more picture from Carnaval
S kym se nejvic vidam ~~ Who I hang out with
ahojky, dnes vkladam tuhle peknou fotecku, je na ni (zleva): moje spolubydlici, Brazilka MARINA, pak Vicky a Cata, spoluzacky z Kolumbie no a Maru. Vicky a Cata bydli jeste s dvema dalsima Kolumbijcema o dva vchody dal. Potkala jsem je nahodou uz na karnevalu v Ouro Preto a tak nejak je ted ze me polovicni Kolumbijka, protoze jsem s nimi vetsinu casu;)
Hiiiiii, today i wanted to post this pretty picture for you (from left): Marina from Brazil, my flat mate, Vicky and Cata, my school mates from Colombia and Maru. Vicky and Cata live with other 2 Colombians just two entrances from my house. I met them in Ouro Pretu by a coincidence and now im becoming half Colombian as i hang out with them a lot:)
stara bubenice Maru ~~ Maru the drummer
ahojky, tak uz jsem opet skolou povinna, zacalo to v pondeli a zatim jsem mela same predmety v portugalstine. jde tomu rozumet, ovsem za podminky, ze profesor otvira pri mluveni pusu a ze spoluzaci moc nehluci... ;)
ale co jsem hlavne chtela napsat: dneska jsem byla s kamaradkou Vicky (Kolumbie) na zkousce BATERIA (bubenici), je to pri skole... bylo to super a asi tam budeme chodit! at zije BATUCADA (bubnovani). casem budou i fotky:)
hiiiii, so im back at school again, i started on Monday and i have only had classes in Portuguese so far. I am able to understand, as long as the professor opens his/her mouth while talking and my class mates are not way too loud... ;)
but what's more important: today Vicky (Colombia) and I went for our school's drummer group practice... it was really cool and we most probably will continue!!! Let live BATUCADA (drumming). and pictures are coming soon... :)
ale co jsem hlavne chtela napsat: dneska jsem byla s kamaradkou Vicky (Kolumbie) na zkousce BATERIA (bubenici), je to pri skole... bylo to super a asi tam budeme chodit! at zije BATUCADA (bubnovani). casem budou i fotky:)
hiiiii, so im back at school again, i started on Monday and i have only had classes in Portuguese so far. I am able to understand, as long as the professor opens his/her mouth while talking and my class mates are not way too loud... ;)
but what's more important: today Vicky (Colombia) and I went for our school's drummer group practice... it was really cool and we most probably will continue!!! Let live BATUCADA (drumming). and pictures are coming soon... :)
Itaunas z konskeho hrbetu a krevety v dyni ~~ Itaunas from a horse's back and shripms in a pumpkin
Dovolena v Itaunas byl super narez a bylo tezke zvyknout si na navrat do olbrimiho SP. Par drinku ale spolehlive pomohlo a dnes jsem dokonce mohla zapomenout za zvuku berimbau pri treninku capoeiry, ale o tom az priste:)
Itaunas... pozdrav z krasne vesnicky najdete o par clanku niz, takze ted vypichnu dve tri super akce, ktere jsme tam s Elizabeth (kamaradka z USA) podnikly. Akce c. 1: VYLET NA KONICH. ... neco jako: ... cele odpoledne jedete na docela hodnem konikovi po brehu more... nad vami litaji orli (nejaky divoky velky ptaci;) ..... more sumi, konik vrni (to jen tak rymecek, kone spis frkaji, hlavne kdyz jim jejich jezdec pripomina pytel brambor; muj kun nemohl verit svym zadum a kazdou chvili se na me obracel s vycitavym pohledem, a to i pres to, ze jsem se snazila nadskakovat v souladu s nim...;)
asi po 11 km jsme dojeli k ricce, ktera oddeluje staty Espirito Santo a Bahia, ktera je proslavena hlavne svymi nadhernymi plazemi a hudbou... vital nas pekny napis SORRIA, VOCE ESTA NA BAHIA (usmej se, jsi v Bahia). usoudily jsme, ze to bude priste chtit vypravu do tohoto usmevaveho statu:)
VECERE: nas domaci v Itaunas (krasny penzionek s uzasnou zahradou, kde jsme dosta casu stravily relaxaci v houpacich sitich) nam doporucil vecu v mistni restauraci a mel pravdu, olizovaly jsme se jeste pekne dlouho pote. nase menu: krevety s omackou v dyni a k tomu ryze a salat a hodne piva. MNAAM
No a pak samozrejme "radost az do rana" pri tanci forro (cti: foho) s mistnimi krasavci ... ;) Tak takhle to vypada, kdyz clovek vyrazi na dovcu a ma stesti. uz ted planuju, kdy co nejdriv vypadnout ze SP....
Vacations in Itaunas were too cool and it was not easy to get used to being in SP again... but a couple of drinks did not fail to help and today only i had a chance to forget listening to berimbau and practicing capoeria but about that i will tell you later...
you can find a "postcard" from Itaunas a few articles below so this time i will only tell you about a couple of interesting things which we experienced with Elizabeth, a friend from USA. first of all, a HORSE TRIP... imagine... the whole afternoon you spend riding a horse along the sea side, above you you have eagles flying... the sea makes such wonderful peaceful sounds... your horse makes less peaceful sounds... cause he cant believe that someone could be so clumsy.. ;) (SEE PICTURE N.1)
after some 11 km we came to a small river which divides the states Espirito Santo and Bahia, which is famous for its beaches and music. the welcoming sign says SORRIA VOCE ESTA NA BAHIA (smile, you're in Bahia) and we agreed that this state will deserve a longer visit some time later on... (2nd PICTURE)
DINNER: our house lord (we stayed at a beautiful place with a lovely garden and hammocks, where we could relax... it was too comfy...) recommended a place to eat something typical and we loved it, we had very tasty shrimps in this creamy sauce in a pumpkin and rice and salad and a lot of beer. tastyyyyyyy. (3rd PICTURE)
also i shouldnt forget ... dancing forro with the local cuties "all nights long" :) so this is what it looks like if you go for vacation and are lucky. i am already thinking where to go next to get out of SP...:)
narozeniny ~~ birthday
takze.... Cerne Zlato a jeho CARNAVAL.... ~~ and so...Black Gold and its CARNAVAL
Ouro Preto (znamena Cerne Zlato)... nadherne mestecko plne kostelu chranene UNESCEM v horach ve state Minas Gerais... 1. az 5. unora.... mesto patri jen karnevalu... od odpoledne az do rana hudba na ulicich, lide tanci a bavi se... existuji i placene koncerty, byli jsme na 2, ale neni treba, na ulici je to stejne nejzivelnejsi.... (Ouro Preto je zname prave pro uzasne poulicni party, zatimco treba Rio de Janeiro je spis na podivani se na karnevalovy pruvod...)
....moji oblibeni BATERIAS de batucada (bubenici) prochazeli mestem vzdy v podvecer... rytmus vam nedovoli netancovat... vsude se popiji a mistni mladici loudi BEIJOS, polibky...
i v tak malem meste bylo karnevalove DESFILE, tj. pruvod, s kostymy a tanecniky a hudbou.... tezko popsatelne, lepsi podivat se na fotky.... proste 5 dni cele mesto parilo!! :)
Fotky: 1. Maru s Ouro Preto v pozadi; 2. ackoli jsem prijela sama, hned jsem si nasla bezva lidicky: Tamara (Izrael), Elizabeth (USA), Maru a Vicky (Columbie, moje spoluzacka v SP- nahody se deji) :) ; 3. foto: trosku legrace v ulicich Ouro Preto...
Ouro Preto (means Black Gold)... a beautiful UNESCO heritage city full of churches in the state of Minas Gerais.... Feb 1-5 it belongs to Carnaval... from afternoon till morning people dance on the streets and have fun... you can also go for a paid concert, we have been twice, but on the street it's the best, most lively... (Ouro Preto is famous for its street carnaval, on the contrary for example Rio de Janeiro is more suitable for watching the carnaval parades)
... my favourite BATERIAS de batucada (drummers) walked thru the city every late afternoon... the rythm doesn't allow you not to dance .... everyone is having drinks and the local guys keep asking you for BEIJOS, kisses...
even in this small city there was a carnaval desfile (parade) with costumes and dancers... it's hard to describe, have a look at the pictures... but to put it shortly... for 5 days the whole city partied like crazy:)
Pictures: 1) Maru and Ouro Preto; 2)even though i came by myself, i made friends fast: Tamara (Israel), Elizabeth (USA), Vicky (Colombia /she will also study with my in SP, what a coincidence!); 3) fun on the streets of Ouro Preto
pozdrav z Itaunas ~~ greetings from Itaunas
moc Vas zdravim z Itaunas, krasneho mestecka na severu statu Espirito Santo. je tu nadherne, super pro relaxaci po narocnem karnevalovem programu;) krasne more, malinka vesnicka je kouzelna, dneska jedeme na projizdku po narodnim parku na konich.... a vecer se tu tancuje jak o zivot, Itaunas je kolebka hudby a tance forro. velkou pusu a kus slunicka:)
greetings from Itaunas, a beautiful village in Espirito Santo state. it´s really beutiful here, perfect for relaxation after carnaval;) the sea is lovely, the village charming... today we will go horse riding to see the national park... and in the evening you dance and dance and dance... Itaunas is the place where forro, a music and dance style, comes from. a big kiss and lots of sunshine:)
pozdravy z karnevalu/ greetings from carnaval
ahoj, moc vas zdravim z Ouro Preto z karnevalu... je to tu super, ale nemuzu ted vlozit fotky a mam omezeny cas na internetu, takze se budu tesit po konci karnevalu... velkou pusu M.
hello, greetings from Ouro Preto from carnaval.. its really cool here but now i can not load pictures and i have only limited internet access... so i m looking forward to writing more after the end of the carnaval... kisses, M.
hello, greetings from Ouro Preto from carnaval.. its really cool here but now i can not load pictures and i have only limited internet access... so i m looking forward to writing more after the end of the carnaval... kisses, M.
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