V sobotu byla posledni spolecna uzasna GREEN GO party... vysvetlim... zde se vsem cizincum rika GRINGOS, coz je z vyrazu GREEN GO! (myslim, ze to ma koreny ve Vietnamu, kde nechteli americke vojaky (v zelenych uniformach), a jedine, co umeli anglicky, bylo GREEN GO,tj. "ZELENI, ZMIZTE ODSUD". ;)
Party byla moc vydarena, sesli jsme se tam zahranicni studenti ze dvou mistnich univerzit. Zacali jsme brzy, uz nekdy ve 22hodin, ja jsem "parila" asi do 4, ale byli i taci, co opousteli misto cinu az okolo 7 hodiny ranni. Bylo to fajn protoze jsme si vsichni mohli rict ahoj a jeste malou chvili pobyt spolu... ted uz odjezdy... mizime jeden po druhem...:( fotky: Alexandra (moc fajn, z Kolumbie) a Maru, druha fotka: Vicky, Alexandra, Cata a Maru.
On Saturday all the GREEN GOS that study here in Sampa had their last party... let me explain the term... here all foreigners are refered to as GRINGOS, which should have an origin in Vietnam where US soldiers (wearing green uniforms) were not wanted. the only thing that the locals knew to say in english was "GREEN GO"... :) The party was too cool, we started early, at 10 pm, i was there till 4 am, but some of us left around 7 am:) it was a nice opportunity to be together for the last time and to say bye because now a bit by bit we are leaving... pictures: Alexandra from Colombia and Maru. 2nd one: Vicky, Alexandra, Cata and Maru.