
suma uma uzasny to strom... :) suma uma a wonderful tree

ahojky, jsme plne dojmu z pralesa, tezko kde zacit s vypravenim... ale myslim, ze bych mohla hned na zacatek vytahnout hodne silnou kartu... pri prochazce pralesem jsme mely tu cest "potkat" olbrimi strom ktery se jmenuje suma uma... ma nekolik set let a asi 60 az 70 metru... mrknete na fotky, at verite:)

ted jsme v Belemu, znovu. dneska jsme byly v super ptacim parku, videly jsme i kolibriky a plno motylu. zitra jdeme do zoo, tak doufam v krokodyly. zitra v noci letime do hlavniho mesta, Brasilia. tam budeme den a noc a pak uz mirime do Ria... tedka se mi smazala pulka textu a uz nemam silu psat to znova, omlouvam se. pusu pa Maru


pozdravy od Amazonky ;; greetings from amazon river

moc zdravim, absolvovaly jsme krasny 3 denni vylet lodi po uzasne obrovske amazonce (z Belemu do Santaremu), ve ktere plavou delfini. a ted jsme v Alter do Chao, u krasnych sladkovodnich plazi u reky Tapajos. uzivame si to stale. spime v houpacich sitich a jime ryby a koupeme se:) bohuzel internet tu stoji za prd, takze nejde uploadovat fota... vynahradim :) pusu Maruska

heyyy greetings, we have been on a 3 day trip on the beautiful huge amazon river where dolphins swim, from Belem to Santarem. and now we are in the village of Alter do Chao... cool sweet water beaches by the river Tapajos. we are having a great time,,, sleeping in hammocks, eating fish... internet is slow, i cannot upload pictures... but i will make up for it... kisses, Maru


jak se vam libi....? how do you like....?

ahojky, zdravim z Belemu. zatim nemame fotky, sondovaly jsme teren, zda je mozne vystrcit nos s fotakem... vypada to slibne, takze snad zitra... jinak jsme byly na 2 super vecerich a taky v historickem centru, svezly jsme se starou tramvaji a koupily si houpaci site na zitrejsi cestu do Santaremu po rece Amazonce. jo a vypraly si (v ruce!!!) pradlo. pradelny tu nejsou moc in... do santaremu dorazime v patek rano (tj. 3 noci a 2 dny na lodi). zatim paaaaa a hezke leto a co rikate memu novemu tetovani? ;)
heyy, greetings from Belem. still no pics available, we are checking out if it is possible to go out with cameras... it looks promissing... so maybe 2morrow. but i can tell you that we had 2 lovely dinners, and we have been to the historical center and we took a historical tram and bought hammocks for our 2morrow´s trip to Santarem by Amazon river. and also we hand(!!!) washed our clothes, no laundry place available. we will be in Santarem on Friday (its 2 days and 3 nights to get there). take care and have a great summer and how do you like my new tattoo? ;)


Sao Luis... a jeho zasla krasa... and its fading beauty

Sao Luis... fota z dnesni prohlidky mesta... a vyrazime smerem Belem... posledni foto: okachlickovany dum, typicke pro tohle mesto...
Sao Luis... pictures from todays tour thru the city... now we are heading to Belem... last picture: house with tiles, typical for here...


Sao Luis, kam jsme puvodne ani nechtely jet... Sao Luis where we did not even want to come at first...

zdravim ze zajimaveho mesta na severu Brazilie, Sao Luis. jsme rady, ze jsme zmenily plany a zavitaly sem... zalozeno Francouzi, potom se tu vystridali jeste Holandani a Portugalci. mesto je neskutecne zajimave, hlavni "narez" jsou tu okachlickovane domy... foto snad jeste dodam... je to totiz dost chude mesto, takze jsme byly varovany, ze promenadovat se s fotakem neni to prave orechove... jinak jsme tu uz 3 dny, a nas program vypada nasledovne: plaz - busem asi 40 min od centra (1. foto: muj dnesni vyhled), kde si davame vyborne plody more, ktere prodavaji chodici prodavaci primo na plazi: dneska to byly krevety, vcera dokonce ustrice. vyborne, cerstve, levne. fota: krevety a Metka s krevetama; pote se vracime do Sao Luis (posledni 2 fota) a dame si sprchu a jdeme veceret (maji tu takove bezva namesti plne restauraci) a dneska doufame v reggae party, protoze Sao Luis je povazovano za hlavni mesto reggae (je tu hodne cernochu; dovazeli sem otroky z Afriky). zitra vecer se vydavame do mesta Belem... pokracovani od tamtud. paaaa :)
greetings from the interesting city of Sao Luis in the north of Brazil; we did not even want to visit this place but we are happy about changing our minds...it was built by French and then the Dutch spent some time here and last ones to colonize this area were Portuguese. the city is very interesting, lovely architecture but fallin appart... whats really cool are tiles on the facades of houses... vl try to get some photo its a bit complicated here because its quite a poor place and its not adviseable to run around with cameras... we have been here for 3 days... our day looks like this: we go to beach (pic nr 1 is my todays view) and eat goodies like seafood from the by passing sellers... today it was shrimps, yesterday oysters.. fresh, delicious, cheap... see a pic of Metka with shrimp... in the afternoon we go back to Sao Luis... we have dinner at a small square full of restaurants... see the city in last two pics. 2day we hope that there will be a reggae party as the city is considered the capital of reggae... (lots of black inhabitants cause slaves from africa were brought here). 2morrow in the evening we are heading to Belem... so next news from there... byeeee :)


jak si to tu uzivame... how we are enjoying life ...

jak si to tu uzivame? skvele! fota jsou stale jeste z Jericoacoara... zapad slunce u Pedra Furada (skala, co ma diru, a tou vidite zapadajici slunce... ale vyfotit to, to je boj... viz 2.foto). a kdyz jsme u tech zapadu, tak ten dnesni vam prinasim na 3. fotce... je to foceno z duny a dole pod sluncem po plazi jedou miniaturni lidi na miniaturnich konich... na dune byva pri zapadu slunce docela narvano, jelikoz je to super misto k pozorovani zapadu slunce a taky nejlepsi zpusob jak skoncit uplne plny pisku, vcetne tasky, vlasu etc...;) (foto c. 4); . foto c. 5: jak si tu papame: na jidelnicku bylo zrovna> krevety s ananasem, vsimnete si, jak jsou suprove naservirovane prave v tom rozkrojenem ananasu... dalsi foto je pani s passion fruit, ke ktere si chodime pro caipirinhy a ruzne jine drinky. no a bonus... dalsi zapad slunce, tentokrat pri prochazce po plazi. zitra brzo rano vyrazime smer Sao Luis, pry je to zajimava cesta, tak se teste na zajimave poznatky. pusu...

so whats up here in Jericoacoara? all is fine!!! first pic: maru and pedra furada, a rock with a hole thru which u see the sun set... but its a figt to get a good picture (see photo 2). todays sunset: photo 3, taken from a dune which gets pretty full since its a cool place to watch the sun setting and also its fun you are full of sand in the end and also you bags and everything..;).picture 4; ok and picture 5: what we eat here: we had this lovely shrimp with pine apple, served in pineapple. too delicious. pic 6: our caipirinha lady with passion fruit; last picture: sunset as we saw it walking on a beach... now we are heading towards Sao Luis, its supposed to be interesting trip so get ready for some cool "to be continued"... kisses :)


fortaleza... jericoacoara

vcera rano jsme dorazili po 12hodinove ceste z Recife do Fortalezy... mely jsme 2 hodiny na prohlidku Fortalezy (2 miliony obyvatel), je docela cista a v pohode... plno obchodu... treba cela ulice s obchody s vecma pro party... takze jsem vyfotila katedralu a divadlo. pote jsme odpoledne jely 5 hodin do vesnice Jericoacoara... takze zbytek fotek je odtud... zapady slunce... plaze a mraky... nadhera... asi to chvili pobudeme... je to tu bezva..dnes jsme stravily den chozenim po plazi...
heyyyy yesterday we arrived to Fortalezy (from Recife; a trip of 12 hours) and we had 2hours to see the city center... its nice and clean... and has a lot of shops... shopping streets...for example one is only for shops that sell things for parties... so i took a picture of cathedral and theathre. in the afternoon we spend 5hrs travelling to Jericoacoara... so the rest of the pics is from here... sun sets... beaches and clouds... i think we might stay here for a longer time..its nice ..today we spent walking on beaches..



zdravim z Recife... dnes rano ve 4 hodiny jsme sem dorazily (uz jen ve dvou, s Metkou) z Maceio... daly jsme si sprchu a snidani, bagly hodily do uschovny a vyrazily do malinkeho prilehleho mestecka Olindy. cesta MHD nam trvala asi hodinu. po prijezdu jsme odrazily utok mistnich pruvodcu, zeptaly se kudy kam mistni policie a jaly se prohlidky... mestecko je kolonialni, ma fajn atmosferu a nektere pamatky pry treba uz ze 16. stoleti.... taky jsme si schruply v parku....fota> Maru s Metkou; hlavni kostel v Olinde, tzv. "SE"; Maru a Olinda; Olinda a za ni moderni Recife; mistni uklizec mi zapozoval u graffiti; Maru a strom;)
greetings from Recife... today at 4am we arrived here (just Metka and I) from Maceio... we had a bath and breakfast and then went to Olinda, a small colonial city near by (it took us 1 hour from the bus station to get there). after arriving there we had to face the "attack" of local guides who wanted to show us around... and then we were free to enjoy the nacient atmosphere of the town... some of its churches are from 16th century.. we also took a nap in a park... pictures: Maru and Metka; main church, named SE; Maru and Olinda; Olinda and behind modern Recife; local cleaning man posed for me in front of a graffiti; Maru and a tree;)

slibovane fotky... promised pictures

tak se zadarilo a uploaduju fotky... prvni: Maru na plazi v Maceio... bylo to tam docela ok... ale nesouhlasily jsme ani jedna s pruvodcem, ktery tvrdi, ze jsou tam jedny z "nejsuprovejsich plazi" v brazilii... druhe foto... Elizabeth a Metka, u vecere, kterou jsme si samy uvarily i snedly:)
ok it seems im uploading pictures:) first one: Maru on a beach in Maceio.. it was fine but none of us could agree with the guide book that says that Maceio has some of the "finest beaches" of Brazil... 2nd picture: Elizabeth and Metka eating dinner that we cooked for ourselves...



zdravim z Maceio, ze statu Alagoas. byli jsme tu s Metkou a Elizabeth par dnu, pocasi nic moc.... ted jsem na nadrazi, jedeme do Recife, ale na planu je Olinda, male mestecko u Recife, ktere ma byt nadherne.... pak pokracujeme na sever na plaze... bohuzel mi nejdou umistit fotky,,,, omlouvam se a zkusim znovu.... velkou pusu

greetings from maceio, state of alagoas. we were here with Metka and Elizabeth,,,, weather was not so great.... now im at bus station, we are going to recife to see Olinda, a nice city close by.... then we continue to the north to beaches.... i cannot upload pictures.. vl try again soon... kisses