Dnes má Hugo narozeniny, ale ještě se neoslavovalo a tím pádem nemám žádné publikovatelné materiály, takže jsem se rozhodla, že Vám představím Emilii, nejmladšího, 6měsíčního, člena rodiny. Je roztomilá, šikovná a všemi (Hugo říká, že celým svým "fun clubem") milovaná. Když jí Hugo hrál na kytaru, vydržela ho snad hodinu poslouchat:) Na další fotce je se svojí maminkou, Evelyn, manželkou od Hugova staršího bratra a na poslední s tetou Maru.
Today it is Hugo's birthday but since we have not celebrated yet, I decided to introduce the youngest family member, Emilia. She is 6 months old now and she is sooooo cute and pretty and growing up fast:) Hugo says that she has a fun club which consist of the whole family and I can confirm that he is right... When Hugo played guitar for her, she listened for almost an hour! In the second picture you can see her with her mom, Evelyn, who is the wife of Hugo's older brother Hector and in the last one with auntie Maru...
LA BAYADERE balet...
Včera jsme s Hugem byli na klasickém baletu BAJADÉRA, v podání Baletu Monterrey. Moc se nám líbíl, vystoupení bylo opravdu profesionální. Tady je trošku víc o ději, informace jsem našla na stránkách Národního divadla Brno:
"Děj se odehrává ve staré Indii. Láska chrámové tanečnice (bajadéry) Nikie a vojevůdce Solora vyvolá hněv mocných nepřátel - Velikého brahmína, Rádži a jeho dcery Gamzatti - nevěsty Solora. Nikia umírá uprostřed náboženské slavnosti - je uštknuta zmijí schovanou v darovaném košíku květů. Již pouze ve světě snů se Solor setkává se stínem milované Nikie."
Yesterday Hugo and I went to see a classical balet La Bayadere, performed by the Ballet of Monterrey company. The story takes place in ancient India and of course has to do with love and hate and passion....
bella tu, bella ella
Tady je ukázka ze včerejšího koncertu-soutěže. Písničku BELLA TU, BELLA ELLA (TY JSI HEZKÁ, ONA TAKÉ), ke které jsem napsala text já, zpívá Hugo, je úplně vlevo. Vystoupení se jim povedlo, ale konkurence je obrovská, asi 80 soutěžících a do finále jich jde 18. Byla jsem překvapená, jak profesionální vystoupení někteří předvedli...
Here you can see a part of song BELLA TU, BELLA ELLA (You are pretty, she as well) sung by Hugo (left) during yesterday's music competition. It was a very good performance from Hugo and his friends but competition is tough, some groups impressed me by their professional performance... There are some 80 participants and only 18 will make it to the finals...
hudba mého života... music of my life...
Na Hugově univerzitě, která se jmenuje TEC Monterrey, pořádají každý rok hudební soutěž. Písničku musí složit sami interpreti, tentokrát vypomohla i Maru a bude použit můj text:) Přikládám fotku ze zkoušky a dnes večer se na Hugovo vystoupení půjdeme ještě s jeho tátou a bráchou podívat. Pokud vše klapne a postoupí do finále, máme náplň na neděli také jasnou: fandit:)
Hugo's university which is called TEC Monterrey organises every year a music competition. The song has to be composed by the musicians themselves and this year Maru helped a bit and my lyrics will be used:) You can see a picture from rehersal and tonight Hugo's dad and brother and I will go to see them perform. If they are successful and make it to the final, we know what we will do on Sunday: cheer for them:)
Hugo's university which is called TEC Monterrey organises every year a music competition. The song has to be composed by the musicians themselves and this year Maru helped a bit and my lyrics will be used:) You can see a picture from rehersal and tonight Hugo's dad and brother and I will go to see them perform. If they are successful and make it to the final, we know what we will do on Sunday: cheer for them:)
Jsem zpět a vyfotila jsem pro Vás pravého mexického oslíka! .... Im back and i took a pic of a real mexican donkey for you!
Co jsme všechno (ne)dělali, viděli a slyšeli: do hor, které jsou asi hodinu od Monterrey, jsme vyrazili s lezeckym tymem z Hugove skoly. Mela jsem z toho trochu obavy, ale byl to super vikend, ktery jsme si suprove uzili. Na fotkach mam vše zdokumentováno: pravého mexického osla (ta fotka je prostě geniální, zvěčte si ji- stačí na ni kliknout), lezoucího a jistícího Hugouška (leze fakt dobře, díky němu to vypadá jako hračka a pak když se do toho pustí ostatní, clovek jen kouka, co to je za tezkou cestu). V podvečer jsme si v krásnem kempu, který ale vypadal jako ranč, postavili stan, vykoupali se a věnovali večerním radovánkám (pivo, party, společenské hry - Mexičané jsou dost hraví a pořád vymýšlí nějaké blbinky, třeba s kartama a tak...). Chybí fotka Maru, která čas, ve kterém Hugo lezl, strávila v houpací síti pod skálou. Ta až příště:)
A WEEKEND IN "POTRERO CHICO" MOUNTAINS Here is a list of things that we have (not) been doing during a lovely weekend in mountains some one hour from Monterrey where we went with the team of climbers from Hugo's university. Check out the pictures: a real mexican donkey (I absolutely love the picture), Hugo climbing and giving support (he is excellent, he is the one who "makes it look easy"), putting up tents in the late afternoon and having some fun in the pool... The only picture missing is Maru in hammock under the rock (that is where I spend the time while Hugo was climbing...). I promise I will take it next time:)
kde se prohani pravi kovbojove... where you can find real cowboys...
Ahoj, ve stredu jsme s Hugem zajeli do hor, co jsou hned u mesta, jmenuji se HUASTECA. Hodne se tam leze a prohani se tam mexicti kovbojove, vse jsem poctive zdokumentovala...:) Bylo dost vedro, nic moc na vyletovani... Ale podarilo se mi vyfotit kaktus (NAPALITO), ze ktereho se dela vyborny tradicni pokrm. Zitra taky mirime do hor, ale nekam dal, Hugo bude s kamarady lezt a ja se na to budu s vychlazenym pivem z houpaci site koukat:) Jako bonus pridavam fotku z prvni noci, kterou jsem v Monterrey stravila... byli jsme na vece s Hugovyma kamaradam. V ruce mam typicke pivo, Corona, ktere se tu na severu Mexika ale zas tak moc nepije:)
On Wednesday Hugo and I went to see mountains called HUASTECA which are very close to the city. It was very hot but I managed to take pictures of real mexican cowboys and of a cactus called NAPALMITO, from which a delicious dish is made (check out the pics:) As a bonus I enclose a pic taken on my first night in Monterrey. We had a dinner with Hugo's friends and I drank the typical beer CORONA, which is not really consumed much here in the north of mexico. Tomorrow we will go to the mountains as well and stay over night. Hugo will climb the rocks and I will watch him from a hammock with a cold beer in my hand;)
On Wednesday Hugo and I went to see mountains called HUASTECA which are very close to the city. It was very hot but I managed to take pictures of real mexican cowboys and of a cactus called NAPALMITO, from which a delicious dish is made (check out the pics:) As a bonus I enclose a pic taken on my first night in Monterrey. We had a dinner with Hugo's friends and I drank the typical beer CORONA, which is not really consumed much here in the north of mexico. Tomorrow we will go to the mountains as well and stay over night. Hugo will climb the rocks and I will watch him from a hammock with a cold beer in my hand;)
Vcerejsek se moc nezvrhl, nakonec jsme zustali v klidku doma a popijeli tady a v 11 hodin v noci si pustili televizi, abych videla EL GRITO (pokrik), kdy prezident /nyni Felipe Calderon/ z balkonu vladniho palace vzdava hold hrdinum, diky nimz slavi Mexiko dnes, 16.zari, 199 let nezavislosti. Probihalo to takhle: Prezident prisel s vlajkou na balkon, a hlasite zvolal: VIVA Hidalgo - "slava Hidalgovi" (jeden z tech hrdinu) a cele namesti na to zvolalo: VIVA - "SLAVA"... atd, az se dostali k SLAVA MEXIKU... Je to docela narez.
jelikoz nemam nic popravde pikantniho, pustim se rovnou do predstaveni mesta monterrey. ma oficialne 1,1 milion obyvatel, ale rozlohou je obrovske, vsichni bydli v rodinnych domech, tak je to takove "roztahane". na fotce vidite Huga a me, jak pozujeme se Cerro de la Silla, tedy horou se sedlem, ktera je dominantou a zaroven symbolem mesta. nejvyssi vrchol je ve vysce 1820 m n m (Monterrey je asi 540 m n m, takze aby tam clovek vylezl, musi prekonat asi 1300 m prevyseni... Hugo tam jeste nikdy nebyl, uz mam ale slibeno, ze pujdem. az nebude takovy vedro). vsude okolo jsou dost vysoke hory. prikladam take jednu fotku z Wikipedie, kde je hora lepe videt:)
Yesterday was not so wild in the end. We stayed at home and at 11pm we watched on TV EL GRITO (The Shout) performed by Mr. Felipe Calderon, the president of Mexico. It looks like this: he stands at the balcony of the governmental palace and yells: VIVA Hidalgo (let live Hidalgo / a hero of the fight for independence/ etc... and the crowd answers "VIVA"... it is a homage to the heroes thanx to whom Mexico today, Sept 16, celebrates 199 years of independence. EL GRITO is concluded by shouting "VIVA MEXICO":) It is quite impressive, I must say.
Now I would like to introduce Monterrey shortly, it is a city of about 1,1 million inhabitants, and it is surrounded by mountains. on the pictures you can see SERRO DE LA SILLA, which is a symbol of Monterrey. its highest peak is 1820 m above he sea level. monterrey is about 540 m above the sea level and so you must climb some 1300 meters to get to the top. Hugo has not been there yet but he has promised that we will go (when it is not so hot...). I also upload one pic from wikipedia where you can see the mountain better:)
Maru je v Mexiku... Maru is in Mexico... MARU ESTA EN MEXICO!!!
ahoj ahoj ahoj, hlasim se Vam z Mexika. jsem tu uz skoro 2 tydny, ale zatim nebyl cas na psani, minuly tyden jsem se venovala prekladu no a kdyz ne prekladu, tak Hugovi:) musim rict, ze je vsechno v poradku, Hugova rodina je moc mila, kamaradi take. zatim nikam necestujeme, tak vam na blogisku postupne predstavim mesto Monterrey, Hugovu rodinu a nastinim, co tu tak asi vyvijim za aktivity:)
dnes, potazmo zitra, je specialni den, a to DEN NEZAVISLOSTI. na fotce, kterou k tomuto clanecku pripojuju, je Maru pred pojizdnym stankem (vsimnete si kola, na ktere je to vse pripevnene) s mexickymi vlajkami a dalsimi ozdubkami. my jsme si koupili malinke vlajecky do auta, ale pan prodavajici me nechal pozovat se sombrerem a salou. jak oslavy vypadaly vam priblizim v nasledujicich dnech, jen co se proberu, pry je to totiz docela narezova udalost.
Heyyy heyyy heyyyy this is Maru LIVE from Mexico! I have been here for almost 2 weeks now but did not have time to start my blog... I was busy w/ Hugo and one translation... I have to say that so far so good, Hugo's family and friends are treating me really nice... We have not been travelling yet so for now I will introduce the city of Monterrey and Hugo's family and also my activities here to you.
Today/tomorrow is a special day, Independece Day... On the picture you can see me in front of a shop on wheels that sells mexican flags ... we bought only one small one but the senor let me take a pic in a typical sombrero:) I will tell you more about the fiesta when I am able to... it's supposed to be a wild party:)
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