o vikendu to byl docela narez, moc jsem toho nenaspala... v patek jsem se ucila (tento tyden: testy) a pak jsem byla v parku Ibirapuera s Vicky a Catou (z Kolumbie). vecer jsme pak vyrazili na operu Falstaff od Verdiho do teatro municipal. bylo to super, mela jsem listky zdarma od pana dirigenta Rodolfa Fischera, se kterym jsme se seznamili pri minule navsteve divadla. pak jsme vyrazili do ulic a nasli jsme bezva klub s zivou brazilskou muzikou a jeste zivejsimi brazilskymi mladiky a vratili se domu nekdy okolo 6 hod rano. pote v sobotu jsme mela zkousku s bubnovanim a pak me kamaradka Karin pozvala na show Holiday on Ice.
v nedeli trenink capoeiry, bezva. a pak jeste churrasco (opekani) u kamaradu Mariny, se kterou bydlim. no proste jsem se nestihla ucit takze to dohanim ted, 2 hodiny pred zkouskou, tim, ze pisu tenhle clanek;) no nic zatim pac a pusu a ingliš spíking pípl sorry ale preklad bude az odpoledne.
fota: maru a kafe, Maru a Sao Paulo (fotky z unora, z prohlidky mesta). pusu!
this weekend was very busy for me... did not sleep much.. on Friday i studied a lot and then went to the park Ibirapuera with Vicky and Cata (Colombia) and then in the evening to Teatro Municipal to view opera Falstaff from Verdi, conducted by Rodolfo Fischer, a conducter which we met last time when we were there and who gave us free tickets. so nice of him.
after that we found a nice club with live music (Pagode) and came back home aroun 6am... on Saturday we had a drum practice and after that Karin (Holand) invited me for a show "Holiday on Ice". on Sunday i went for capoeira and had a great time and after that i went for a barbecue with Marina (who i live with) and Precy (Canada). had no time to study and this week is a test week... uuuuh... what to do:( i will b ok :)