po shlednuti brazilskeho filmu "estomago", tj. "bricho" nebo "zaludek", jehoz hlavni hrdina vetsinu casu vari, jsme se s Hugem rozhodli, ze to dokazeme taky a nechali se inspirovat k udelani typickeho brazilskeho jidla, PASTELu. o co jde? udelate testo (mouka, vejce, sul, olej, alkohol- nejlepe cachaca) a pote vyvalite na tenko, vyriznete obdelnik. no a pak si zvolite napln, napr. syr, tunak, maso; prelozite, uzavrete a chvilinku smazite v oleji. vysledek byl nad ocekavani dobry, proste uspech. chutnalo i Brazilcum:)
after watching a brazilian movie "estomago" (which means belly or stomache), whose main character spends most of his time cooking, Hugo and I decided that we can manage to do the same thing and we felt free to make PASTEL, a typical Brazilian dish. what is it? first you make dough (flour, salt, eggs, oil, alcohol -the best is cachaca) and after that you roll out a very thin piece (a rectangle). you fill it in with cheese, tuna, meet... and then fold it, close it and fry in hot oil... the result was beyond our expectations, even real Brazilians loved it!:)