
Museu da lingua portuguesa

v nedeli odpoledne jsme se byli s Precy a Sebastianem mrknout v muzeu portugalskeho jazyka (museu da lingua portuguesa). dozvedeli jsme se mimo jine, ze brazilskou portugalstina se vlastne tvorila z nasledujicich ingredienci: latina (z Evropy), mistni jazyky indianu a ruzne africke jazyky (pak sem zavlekli ty otroky, ze). Take ma v sobe treba ale i arabstinu (protoze Arabove dobyli uzemi Portugalska a taky uzemi v Africe).

Je zde take znat vliv plno jinych jazyku, treba emigrantu, kterych sem behem 1870 - 1953 prislo skoro 5 milionu, a to hlavne z Italie, Spanelska a Japonska. Na fotce je budova muzea, driv to bylo nadrazi.

on sunday, Precy, Sebastian and I went to the museum of portuguese language. we learnt that brazilian portugues was formed by these ingredieces: latine (from Europe), local languages of native indians and different african languages (of slaves who were brought here). It als has some Arabic (Arabs conquered Portugal and also some parts of Africa).

It is also influenced by other languages of its immigrants. During the period of 1870 - 1953, almost 5 million persons entered Brazil, coming mainly from Italy, Spain and Japan. On the picture: the building of the museum, which used to be a train station.


life is beautiful

ve ctvrtek oslava narozenin Maru.... nejdriv se spoustou caipirinhy a dortem doma, pak jsme se vydali do baru Mangueira, ktery ma zivou hudbu, a tancovali celou noc sambu:) bylo to super!

on thursday we celebrated my birthday... first caipirinha and cake at home and then we went to a samba bar Mangueria (live music) and danced samba the whole night long:)

Maru, Cata Cata, Vicky, Maru

Karin, Oliver, Sebastian, MarieLiz, Tamara

Sebastian, Maru, caipirinha

Maru, chachaca -priprava caipirinhy - preparing caipirinha


tri dny v pohlednici ~~ three days spent in a postcard

Je 7 rano, pondeli. prave jsem se vratila z Ilha Grande, ostrova u pobrezi statu Rio de Janeiro. Nebo, presneji, vratila jsem se z Raje... jak to shrnula Karin, kamaradka, ktera se akce taky zucastnila, pri plavani v mori:" tohle je jak koupat se v pohlednici".

Cesta do Angra dos Reis, odkud se pak jede lodi na Ilha Grande, trva asi 7 hodin (cestu jsme vzdy absolvovali v noci). Lodi je to pak jeste 90 minut. A pak to zacne... ZADNA auta, nej krasne plaze a priroda a vylety...
byla jsem ve spolecnosti Vicky (Kolumbie), Elizabeth (USA, ted studuje ve state Minas Gerais ve meste Belo Horizonte), Karin (Holandsko) a Sebastiana (Francie). Tvorili jsme super tym a vsechno nam klapalo. Podarilo se mi dopredu zabookovat jen 3 mista v hostelu (jelikoz byly Velikonoce a cela Brazilie mela volno, tak to bylo trochu komplikovane a ostrov byl plny, ale stejne to bylo super). Ovsem po prijezdu nam managerka hostelu rekla, ze 2 lidi odrekli a tak jsme mohli zustat.

prvni den (ctvrtek) jsme se vydali lodi na bilou dlouhou plaz Lopes Mendes. Potom jsme meli takovy hlad, ze jsme, bez osprchovani a uprav, zamirili rovnou do restaurace na vybornou veceri.

druhy den jsme jeli na vylet lodi, vzali nas na 3 ruzna mista, jedno z nich Lagoa Azul (modra laguna), ktera je urcite nadherna ale ne tak moc kdyz je tam dalsich 10 lodi a plno lidi. Ale hezky jsme si tam zasnorchlovali a svitilo slunicko, takze jsme si to stejne uzili. Ten vecer jsme si varili a jako kazdy vecer jsme delali spousty caipirinha.

3. den nebylo takove vedro a my meli v planu jit 2,5 hodiny dlouhou vychazku na plaz Dois Rios. ... super. Vecer, protoze to byl predvecer mych narozenin, me kamaradi pozvali na veceri do restaurace Lua e Mar (Mesic a more) primo na plazi... stoly v pisku a tak.. meli jsme super rizoto a omacku z morskych potvurek...
v nedeli jsme byli na male hezke plaze kousek of Vila do Abraao (nejvetsi vesnice na ostrove, kde byl i nas hostel). no a pak v 5 hodin jsme nasedli na lod a rekli "cau cau ostrove"... byla to super dovca:)

7am, Monday morning. Just got back from Ilha Grande, an island by the coast of Rio de Janeiro state. Or, to be precise, I just got back from a Paradise…as Karin, a friend who went with us, said while bathing in the sea: “it’s like swimming in a postcard”.

The trip to Angra dos Reis, from which you take a boat to Ilha Grande, takes some 7 hours (we always went by night). A boat takes you to the island in some 90 minutes. And then it all gets started… NO cars, only beautiful beaches and hikes…

I was accompanied by Vicky (Colombia), Elizabeth (USA, now an exchange student in Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais state), Karin (Holand) and Sebastian (France). We were a really good team and things worked out for us. I only managed to book 3 places in a hostal but after our arrival the manager of the place told us that fortunately 2 people canceled their reservations and we all could stay. You see it was a bit difficult because it was the time of Easter and the whole Brazil had holidays… so the island was more packed but still it was wonderful.

The first day (Thursday) we went by a boat to a long beach with white white sand cald Lopes Mendes. After that we were so hungry that we found a place to eat and went for a dinner even without taking a shower…J

The second day we made an excursion on a boat which took us to 3 different places, one of them Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon), which must be really wonderful normally but not if you have some 10 boats with loads of people. But it was a sunny day and so still we had a great time. And snorkeling there was fun. That day we all cooked together and as every day we made lots of caipirinhaJ we had this small “caipirinha factory”J

3rd day we went hiking (2,5hours one way) to a beach Dois Rios… really a lovely experience. In the evening, since it was just about to be my birthday, my friends invited me for a dinner to a restaurant on a beach (tables are in the sand, it’s so lovely) Lua e Mar (Luna and Sea) and we had this delicious rizoto and seafood sauce… I loved it… we had such a great time…

On Sunday we went to a small but pretty beach near Vila do Abraao (the biggest village where we stayed in a hostal). Then at 5pm we took a boat back to catch our bus… I feel so happy for such a wonderful relaxed time…


dekuju ~~ thank you

v nedeli oslavim 26. narozeniny, ale vzhledem k tomu, ze jsem se v onen slavny den o nic moc nezaslouzila (pekne me vyndali z briska a bylo), tak chci timto podekovat moji mame za vsechno, co pro me udelala, nejen 23.3.1982, ale i kdykoli po tomto datu. velkou pusu, M

this Sunday i will celebrate my 26th birthday. but since i did not really do anything on this glorious day (i was simply taken out of my mom's belly), i wish to thank my Mom for everything she did for me, not only on March 23, 1982, but ever since. kisses, M.

predposledni prispevek od 25-lete Maru ~~ Last but one article from 25-year-old Maru

nazdarek kasparek. az si priste budete cist nove clanky na tomto blogu, tak uz mi bude 26 let... hm... jedu slavit narozeniny se skupinou pratel na Ilha Grande (velky ostrov) do statu Rio de Janeiro, ma tam byt proste NAD HER NE;) odjezd dnes v noci, navrat (pokud se tam nezblaznim do mistniho rybare a nezustanu rybarit a delat deti;) v pondeli rano... :)

pro velky ohlas pridavam 4 fotky z party Giovanna; predposledni foto: s Francouzskou Marie-Lise minuly ctvrtek (13.3.) v samba baru O do borogodo, krasne jsme si to tam uzili (velka skupina zahr. studentu). posledni foto: po nekolika caipirinhach...;)

no a o vikendu to vypadalo nasledujicne: v patek veca v sushi restauraci v japonske ctvrti Liberdade, v sobotu capoeira s Jairem a pote nacvik delani caipirinhas (koktejl, typicke pro brazilii) na moje narozneniny v byte mych kolumbijskych pratel. nedele: navsteva trhu v ctvrti Liberdade, kde jsme ochutnali japonske poulicni jidlo. prezili jsme;) pusu, tesim se po Ilha Grande Paaaaa

hey hey how is it going:) next time when you will read articles on this blog, Maru will be 26 years old already...:) well... im going to celebrate my birthday with a group of friends on Ilha Grande, state of Rio de Janeiro. everyone says that it's beautiful there:) departure today in the evening, and i come back to SP on Mon morning (unless i fall for a local fisherman and stay and fish and make babies;)
for the huge success i add some more pictures from Giovanna; last but one picture is from last thursday (march 13) from a samba bar O do Borogodo. we had great fun as you can see in the last picture (hehe you know, a few caipirinhas... and here we go:).
My weekend was like this: friday i went for a dinner to a japanese quarter Liberdade. on saturday i practised capoeira with Jair and on sun we went again to liberdade to see the local market and taste some japanese street food (we actually survived;). will be back, till then take care, kisses, love M.


jak Maru objevuje svet~~ Maru and her latest discovery

nazdarek, tak tohle je docela vtipne:) vsude se muzete docist, ze Brazilie je jeden z nejvetsich vyvozcu pomerancoveho koncentratu a ze stat SP je znamy pestovanim pomerancu... ale Maru proste nemohla prijit na to, kde ty pomerance sakra prodavaji... proste ... v obchodech nikdy nebyly!
pak jsme sly jednou nakupovat s Vicky do Mercado Municipal (mestsky trh), kde je plno stanku s ovocem... sverila jsem se Vicky s mym malym "problemem" a ona me nasmerovala ke kupe Z E L E N Y CH kulatych veci a navrhla mi, at si je koupim.... no od te doby si dopravam skoro kazdy den cerstvy pomerancovy dzus a uz vim, ze veci nejsou vzdy takove, jake ocekavame, ze budou a ze pomerance v SP proste nejsou oranzove:)

ok guys this is funny~~ one keeps on reading that Brazil is one of the biggest producers of orange juice concentrate in the world and that the state of SP is renown for it's orange production... but Maru couldn not discover oranges in the shops... it just never seemed to be there... a mystery...?
well, not really.... the other day i went shopping with Vicky to Mercado Municipal (city market) which has lots of stalls with fruits and told her about my little doubt... and she pointed me to a pile of G R E E N round things, saying: why dont' you get some now... hehe so since then i enjoy orange juice every day and i know things are not always the way we expect them to be and that oranges in SP are simply NOT orange:)
Foto: dukaz misto slibu
Picture: a proof insted of words


kulturni vyziti v SP ~~ my cultural life in SP

v patek 7. brezna mi odpadl trenink capoeiry, ovsem kamarad Oliver (Kolumbie, jak jinak;) nezklamal a prisel se super planem B: totiz navstevou TEATRO MUNICIPAL, tj. divadla (na fotce). Ten vecer vystupovala ORQUESTRA SINFONICA MUNICIPAL, tj. domaci symfonicky orchestr. stacil se k nam pridat jeste Sebastian z Francie, ja jsem si navlikla krasne nove saticky a razili jsme smer centrum. od nas je to nastesti kousek.

studenti maji 50% slevu (tj. zaplatite asi tak 80 kc za listek, coz je fajn, jedna z mala veci, ktere tu nejsou drahe), ale pani na pokladne mela nejaky problem se Sebastianovou prukazkou... zaslechl to jeden mily pan, dirigent ze Svycarska, jak jsme se pozdeji dozvedeli, a venoval nam listky. takze jsme sedeli v lozi, hned vedle rodicu houslistky Bracha Malkin z USA, ktera tu ten vecer hostovala.
Shledli jsme 3 kousky: od Alexandra Borodina, pak Sergei Prokofiev / koncert c. 2 pro housle a orchestr, prave s tou krasnou mladou energickou houslistkou, a nakonec uplne suprova vec: Symfonie c. 5 od Cajkovskeho (toho mam fakt rada, diky hudbe k baletu). Jako bonus mame pozvani na koncert, ktery bude dirigovat prave ten mily Svycar. No a ja si minim zjistit, kdy budou davat nejaky balet a jit omrknout, jak jim to tancovani jde:) at zije Labuti jezero!!!!

On Friday March 7th, my capoeira practice was called off at the last minute but Oliver (from Colombia, surprisingly;) came with a cool Plan B: a visit of TEATRO MUNICIPAL here in SP. (see the picture). That night, it was ORQUESTRA SINFONICA MUNICIPAL, that is the local symphonic orchestra, who was performing. Sebastian from France was fast enough to join us... i put on a beautiful dress and we headed to the city center, which is close by my place:)

Students get some 50 % discount (so you pay some 3 EUR for the ticket, one of the things that is not expensive here...) but the lady at the cashier had problems with Seb's student card... fortunately our conversation with her was overheard by a nice gentleman, a conductor from Switzerland, we learned later on. he offered us free tickets. so we had really good places, we sat next to parents of Bracha Malkin, a violinist from the USA, who was a guest that night.

We heard three pieces: one from Alexander Borodin, then Sergei Prokofiev's Concert number 2 for violin and orchestr, which was performed by the beautiful and energic lady violinist, and last but not least was Symphony number 5 from Tchaikovski (i love his music thanx to ballet). As a bonus we are invited to a concert which will be conducted by the Swiss gentleman. And i want to find out when there is a ballet night... and see how they do here! let live Swan Lake!!!!:)


zajicek playboy a jeden splneny sen ~~ playboy bunny and a dream come true

v sobotu jsme meli celoskolni maskarni masovou party, ktera se jmenuje Giovanna. Maru si splnila davny sen byt na chvili, jen malou chvili PLAYBOY ZAJICKEM, ktery ma jeden jedinou narocnou misi: byt sexy;)

nebyla jsem si samozrejme uplne jista, jestli je to to uplne prave orechove, ale rozumne jsem usoudila, ze uz nikdy nebudu opalenejsi, hubenejsi a hezci (clovek si porad mysli, ze bude lip, ale... nekde se to proste zlomi a uz je jen hur;), takze jsem vyuzila jedinecne prilezitosti a sla jsem do toho.

party byla divoka a vydarena, tancovali jsme a pili (v cene vstupeny piti, tzv. open bar) od pulnoci do 5 rano. FOTO: Sandra, francouzska sluzebna Marie Lise (Francie), sexy vezenkyne Vicky (Kolumbie) a cesky zajda Maru;)

on Saturday we had an all-university party called Giovanna. it was necessary to have a mask. so Maru made come true her dream of becoming, just for a little while, a PLAYBOY BUNNY, who has only one mission to accomplish: that is, to be SEXY.

of course i was not 100 % sure but then again i thought that there will be no other time when i will be more tanned and more skinny (one thinks that better times are to come but there is a breaking point somewhere i guess where everything starts to go the opposite way;) so i used this unique opportunity:)

the party was wild and cool, we danced and drank (open bar system:) from midnight till 5am. PICTURE: Sandra, french maid Marie Lise (France), sexy prisoner Vicky (colombia) and czech bunny Maru.


vsechno nejlepsi breznackum ~~ happy birthday, March people!

brezen je specialni mesic... tento vikend oslavi narozeniny moje BABICKA, ve stredu 12. brezna jeden z mych dvou nejoblibenejsich bratru MARTIN. FILIP od Adi se oslavuje prave ted s Adou a se svou rodinou. Malinko pozdeji prichazi na radu RADA a po nem nasleduje STREJDA JARA. S laskou vzpominam na MARUSKU Vasickovou. No a na konci mesice dovrsi dalsi rok zivota i ARATHY.

foto: babicka a Martin

March is a special month... this weekend it's my GRANDMA's birthday, and on Wed 12 it's my brother MARTIN's birthday. Ada's FILIP is celebrating his right now with Ada and his family. A bit later we will say "all the best" to RADA and to my uncle JARA. I think with all my love of MARUSKA Vasickova. and at the end of the month, ARATHY is the birthday girl.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! all the best and be well.
picture: my grandma and Martin


proste normalni tyden ~~ just a regular week...

tak tento tyden zatim ve znameni skoly.... je toho docela dost, a to vubec nestiham cist vsechno, co nam zadavaji... mno.. nejak bude. ale mam uz za sebou 1 zkousku bateria (bubnovani), kterou jsem v pondeli "vymenila" za ucast na vecerni hodine... proste... rytmus me uplne pohltil... ;)

vcera jsme s Vicky spolecne studovaly a vzpominaly, jak nam bylo o vikendu krasne (viz. foto: vecerni zabava). dneska jsem si byla vycistit hlavu v kine, na tom filmu ovencenem oscary. skoda, ze ma useknuty konec. no nic, brou noc a pusu:)

this week... school school school... i have loads of stuff to do... and i do not even manage to read all the materials which im supposed to go thru... well... let's see how things will work... but still i went to bateria practice once... and actually i skipped my monday evening class because of it.. well the rhythm would not let me go ;)

yesterday Vicky and i studied together, thinking of our fun weekend (see the picture: clubbing). today i went to see the successful oscar movie.. it's cool but the end is kind of "cut off"... .like it ends suddentally... well... good nite and kisses:)


tri gracie a zadni strazci plaze ;) ~~ three beautiful ladies and no baywatch ;)

Vikend na Ilhabela byl super, akorat jsem hrozne postipana od komaru (ac jsem aplikovala repelent..). Vydali jsme se (skupina 6 studentu z GV) v sobotu brzo rano, nekteri prisli z patecni party rovnou na nadrazi... vyrazili jsme na asi 4 hodiny dlouhou cestu po pobrezi statu Sao Paulo, smerem na sever... z meste Sao Sebastiao na pobrezi jsme se dostali trajektem na Ilhabela (neboli Krasny ostrov)... a je nadherny... ma suprove plaze... byla to lahoda pohoda.

Foto: Vicky (Kolumbie), Maru and Marie Lise (Francie): ac jsme mavaly vlajakama jak jsme chtely, zadna pobrezni hlidka se nepriblizila. asi ji tam neni treba, more je uplne klidne... no ale stejne jsme si to vsichni uzili... jo a taky tam maji super jidla z ryb a morskych potvurek:) a taky vodopady, foto bude.

our weekend on Ilhabela was just great, even though im bitten by mosquitos (despite of applying repelent very often..). with a group of students from GV we embarked on our 4 hour journey on Saturday early in the morning, some of us came straight from Friday's party without getting any sleep... Ilhabela (means: a beautiful island) is on the coast of the state of SP, more to the north. from the coast we took a ferry and enjoyed the beautiful place.... cool beaches...

Picture: Vicky (Colombia), Maru and Marie Lise (France): we tried to wave the flags hard but still no baywatch showed up;) i guess they are not needed there, the sea is very calm... but still we had fun... oh and the seafood is really tasty there and i will post a picture of waterfalls for you soon:)


zpet v SP ~~ back in SP

jen kratce: jsem zpet v mem olbrimim meste, vikend byl uzasny, fotky budou:) pusu Maru

just shortly: im back in my huge city, my weekend was just great, photos are coming soon:) kisses Maru


rozsiri maru svou sbirku baywatch?? ~~ more baywatch to come??

Maru se vydava zitra brzo rano na plaz na Ilha Bela, takze je mozne, ze sbirka fotek s nabouchanci z mistni zachranarske jednotky se rozroste ;) dobiram sice antibiotika (zanet na dutinach), ale to by nemelo akci zabranit, ani zbrzdit... ;) snad mi cerstvy morsky vzduch udela dobre. koncim a tesim se za chvili pa, Tva Mana;)
Maru goes to beach tomorrow, to Ilha Bela. so it's possible that the collection of pics with local bodyguards will be enriched by one more photo;) im still on atibiotics (some inflamation) but that should not make it impossible to act;) hopefully the fresh sea air will do me good. talk to you soo, love Maru